Extra 4 : Med boys and Their Loving Husbands

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"Is Kenma inside?"

"Yes sir."

A tall handsome pilot who had blonde and black hair entered Kenma's office. He also carried a bouquet of roses for Kenma.

"Are you busy?" the pilot asked Kenma as he gave him the flowers.

"You're so corny..." Kenma said as he accepted the flowers while trying to hide his smile.

"I missed you sir--- I mean Kenma." Kenma chuckled and reached out to the other male's ear to pull it.

The pilot then leaned to kiss Kenma who didn't seem to mind. Kenma heard footsteps coming into his office to he grabbed the pilot and shoved him in the space under his desk to hide him.

"Kenmaaa. My Kei didn't came home again..." his loud and whiny cousin barged inside his office.

"Do you not have a house? Why the fuck are you always here?" Kenma spat out and Tetsurou sighed and sat on the sofa.

"You look so happy to see me." Tetsurou said sarcastically.

"Tsk. What do you want me to do then? Your husband is busy working in the hospital and he's saving lives together with your other friends." Kenma told his cousin.

The pilot hiding under Kenma's desk panicked because he boss was here.

"I know... I just miss him so much." Tetsurou said.

"Then visit him!" Kenma said and Tetsurou sighed.

"I don't want to disturb him... He might be very busy in the hospital. I don't want to bother him." Tetsurou said and Kenma scowled.

"So now you choose to bother me? Go visit Koutarou and tell him he should visit Keiji and you'll tag along so you'll see Kei." Kenma said.

"Kenma you're a genius!" Tetsurou said and stood up then he noticed the flowers.

"Who gave you those flowers?" Tetsurou asked.

"It's a secret. Now go. It's almost lunch time. Shoo. I'm busy." Kenma said and Tetsurou happily left his office.

"Tora, you can come out now..." Kenma told the pilot who was hiding under his desk.

"Stop throwing tantrums or I'm telling your husband you're not cooperating." Eita's manager threatened.

Eita then stopped his whining and he sat up to grab his phone. He really wanted to see his husband but he can't go visit him at the hospital because he might bring trouble.

He also didn't want to disturb his husband who was busy working.

"You have to cooperate for the rehearsal." his manager said and Eita sighed and nodded.

How long has it been since he last came home and slept next to his husband? How long has it been since he last seen his husband?

"When can I go home? I want to see Kenjirou." Eita asked and his manager and stylist shared looks.

"We get it that you really miss your husband but-"

"But what? You've been keeping me and making me work for an entire month now." Eita said and started sulking again.

The manager had no choice but to call Kenjirou. The younger male was obviously not answering the call because he was busy with his work being the Head Medtech in a big hospital that was owned by Kiyoomi's  family.

Eita grabbed his phone and texted Kenjirou. He just texted his husband "I miss you and I want to see you..."

Kenjirou didn't reply and Eita sighed in defeat. He was about to sleep but his phone buzzed and saw a reply from Kenjirou.

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