Tooru start!

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Tooru was really nervous when he stepped a foot in the main house. The servants greeted him and he had a poker face on.

I swear if its about me being gay I'll flip. This bitch ain't fucking straight so leave me alone.

He saw his parents and he smiled a little and greeted them politely before telling them the 'Lets talk tomorrow. I'm really tired.' drama.

Tooru was so nervous to know whatever the fuck he did. He did a lot of bad things and he's wondering which among the bad things he did made his parents order him to come home.

He turned his phone off because he was sure his worrywart friends would try to contact him and he didnt want that to happen.

Tooru made his way to his room and he took a bath first before changing into his pajamas. He plopped himself on his spacious bed and hoped he's going to wake up first before his parents.

He really can't go to sleep because he was so worried and nervous. Oikawa decided to roam around their mansion as he plotted his escape at dawn.

"Why are you still up young master?" He was startled by a servant but he smiled and played it cool.

"I am so tired that I can't even fall asleep..." He said and the servant led him inside to prepare a glass of warm milk for him.

After drinking his warm milk, Tooru felt really sleepy so he decided to rest for the night. He woke up around 3:45am and it was pretty cold outside.

He changed into his sweatpants and hoodie that matches. He grabbed a pair of running shoes and wore it before he made his way outside.

He stealthily escaped and he quickly ran away before any guard could see him. He just wanted to escape and he's still not ready to face his parents wrath.

He walked aimlessly in town and he had no idea where he should go. He eventually felt tired after an hour of aimlessly walking. He decided to rest in a park he saw. It was still dark and cold outside but Tooru has no intention to come home yet.

He sat on a bench and he hugged his knees then buried his face on his knees. He was getting stressed and he still haven't figured out what he did to make his parents make him come home in a forceful manner.

The park was still very quiet and empty. It was going to be 5am soon but Oikawa still doesn't want to come home.

Hell. He wants to go back to Tokyo and party with his friends.

After his short rest, he started walking again and he found himself on a bridge. He stood there and watched the clean river flow under.

"DON'T JUMP!" Tooru was really shocked when someone just grabbed him.

There were three guys who just stopped him from 'jumping off'the bridge which Tooru wasn't really planning on doing.

"Were you just about to jump? That river is pretty shallow you know." One guy with short pink hair said.

Oikawa can't help but laugh at the remark. He shook his head and he those guys led him into the park where he was earlier.

"Were you lost?" A tall guy who had short curly black hair and thick eyebrows asked.

Oikawa shook his head.

"Then... are you hungry? Issei, Takahiro, I'll buy something. You watch over him first." The other male who had short but spiky hair said.


Tooru felt hugged his knees and he sighed deeply. These faves were unfamiliar to him and he wishes he should have made friends with other people in Miyagi aside from Satori, Eita, Daichi and Yuuji.

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