Adore you

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"Uncle!" Tooru happily opened his arms for his nephew.

"Hi. How have you been my boy?" Tooru asked his nephew and ruffled his hair.

"I'm good. Uncle I want ice cream." Takeru said and Tooru smiled and nodded.

"Okay. Let me go get my car key and we'll buy ice cream before I'll drop you off at Tobio's house." Tooru said and his nephew nodded and waited patiently outside.

"I don't need bodyguards. Takeru and I will be fine." Tooru told the servants with his blank face.

Tooru made his way to the garage and Takeru followed his uncle. They got inside Tooru's car and Tooru drove his car.

"Uncle, are you and grandpa and grandma still fighting?" Takeru asked curiously.

"Takeru, do you think uncle is a bad person for liking boys instead of girls?" Takeru turned to look at his uncle and shook his head.

"No... Uncle is nice." Takeru said and Tooru smiled a little.

"Well... your grandparents don't like your uncle Tooru because he likes boys. I don't really care about that." Tooru said and Takeru sighed.

"Uncle took care of me a lot... how can uncle is the bad guy? I honestly don't understand." Takeru said and Tooru smiled sadly.

"Takeru-chan, don't think about it too much okay? You're still too young to stress about something like that." Tooru said and Takeru huffed.

They arrived at a shop that caught Takeru's attention. Tooru parked his car and turned to look at his nephew.

"I'm already nine years old." He said and Tooru chuckled and ruffled his hair.

Tooru and Takeru headed inside the cafe. Daichi was there and he was wearing an apron. Tooru smiled and approached his friend.

"Hey man. Why are you here?" Tooru asked.

"Just helping Koushi out." Daichi said and Tooru gave him a teasing grin.

"Dai--- Oikawa-san hello." Koushi smiled and bowed at Tooru.

"Heyyy. This is a nice place." Tooru said and Koushi smiled.

"Thank you. How may I help you?" Koushi asked and Tooru turned to look at his nephew.

"We're going to buy some ice cream. The cakes looks nice too." Tooru said and excused himself so he can go to his nephew.

"Takeru-chan stay still. Your shoelaces are undone." Tooru said and bent down to tie his nephew's shoelaces.

"Takeru-chan, say hi to your uncle Daichi and also uncle Koushi." Tooru said and his nephew said hello to Daichi and Suga.

"Lets buy milk for Uncle Tobio too." Takeru said and Tooru nodded.

"Pick whatever you want. Uncle will pay for it." Tooru said and Takeru nodded. Koushi excused himself to help Takeru.

"Are his parents still fighting for his rights?" Daichi asked quietly and Tooru nodded.

"Nee-san wanted Takeru by herself and its pretty unfair to Takeru's father." Tooru sighed and rubbed his temples.

"I see... when did Takeru arrived? He still lives in America right?" Daichi asked.

"He just arrived last night and he's leaving next week." Tooru said and Daichi sighed.

"Must be hard for him to experience all of these." Daichi said and sighed.


The the soft chime from the door was heard and Daichi excused himself while Tooru made his way to help his nephew.

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