Sachirou start!

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Friendship day had come and Tooru and his gang arrived in school together as usual. The gang decided to only bring five cars. Bokuto, Osamu, Tendou, Sawamura and Sakusa's cars.

Kuroo will be in Bokuto's car. Hirugami will be in Osamu's car. Tooru will be in Kiyoomi's car. Yuuji will be in Daichi's car and Eita will be in Satori's car.

They all headed to the grandstand for the opening ceremony. The five of them were wearing different uniforms but they still stood closely next to each other. They were all wearing shorts, their team t-shirt and their jackets. They didn't care how others will see them. None of them were smiling as they made their way to their groups and they gave off a lot of intimidating vibes.

The opening ceremony started and the friendship day began. Tooru and his gang never made effort to talk to their teammates. They gave off the vibes that they didn't want to be there--- especially Sakusa.

"Go easy on the kids." Tooru reminded his close friends who laughed and nodded.

"Lets take a photo first." Sachirou said and the Ten of them took photos together before they parted ways to play their sports.

Sachirou walked next to Osamu who was eating. They were both heading to the same direction so they both walked together.

"Sam, here." Sachirou said and wiped the corner of Osamu's mouth.

"Thanks man." Osamu said and Sachirou nodded and threw away the tissue.

"I'll go ahead. Crush em boy." Osamu said and smirked at Sachirou who smirked back.

"I will. Crush em too." Sachirou said and winked at Osamu before making his way to his teammates to start stretching.

Sachirou was confident with his skills because he started high jumping when he was still young. He was really good at what he was doing but was he really happy with what he was doing?

Sachirou was currently calming himself by closing his eyes as he was quietly meditating.

"GIVE ME BACK MY SHOES YOU FUCKING STUPID CUNT!" Someone screamed and Sachirou's eyes snapped open. He was annoyed because someone was so loud and it was barely 9am.

He turned to glare at the person who dared to interrupt his meditation and he saw a short guy who was sitting on the ground barefooted as he was throwing a tantrum.

He had white hair and he was small... and also short but he was sure loud and a potty mouth.

"The hell are you looking at?!" He snapped at Sachirou who glared at him.

"You are too loud." Sachirou said and removed his jacket and placed it on a chair.

"So what? You wanna fight?" He asked and Sachirou's blood was boiling.

That brat was obviously asking for trouble and Sachirou was not in the mood to play nice.

"This is a university. Not a middle school." Sachirou mocked and he saw the other guy stood up and marched angrily towards his way.

"You wanna fight?" He snarled and Sachirou smirked.

"If you insist." He said while nearing his face to the shorter guy who was sent to gay panic because of their faces almost touching.

"What the hell man? You gay?" He asked and Sachirou laughed.

"No you." Sachirou said and left before he will get hit or he will hit the other person.

"Oyyy. Already kissing someone?" Osamu teased who was still stretching.

"No. He was provoking me and I returned the favor. You know him?" Sachirou asked and sat in front of Osamu.

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