A trip without Boss T.

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Nine guys shared awkward and uncomfortable smiles. They are still in the First class lounge area chilling as they waited for their drivers to arrive.

"Where... where do we start?" Koutarou asked and smiled akwardly.

"We all know the answer...  haha." Tetsurou replied.

"Right guys?" Semi asked uncertainly.

"Er... hehehe." Yuuji said and looked away. They all looked so anxious and awkward.

Osamu didnt bother talking because he was busy eating. Kiyoomi wants to die already because of their stupidity while Sachirou keeps on avoiding eye contact.

"We can do this guys. Hahaha." Satori said and Daichi hummed.

"Yes. We can do this. Haha." Daichi said nervously.

They all went silent and shared looks. They really can't figure it out. They were too dependent on Oikawa Tooru. Oikawa Tooru the good leader of the group who always leads them.

"I wanna go home to where our fairy godmother Oukawa Tooru is." Sachirou whined and Satori shook his head.

"Same gorl. Same."

"Shit. I had no idea this will be that difficult." Semi said.

"Why did we even go here unplanned?" Kiyoomi sighed and rubbed his temples.

"We planned this tho?" Semi asked.

"Hm. Only the flight." Kiyoomi replied and the entire gang gasped and they all shared looks.

"Does this mean we don't have a hotel yet?" Daichi asked.

"Of Course we don't." Kiyoomi said.

"So we are wait8ng for nothing?!" Koutarou asked in shock.

"Oh my god." They got silent again and Yuuji took out his phone and dialed a number.


"What? What's wrong?" Satori asked.

"The hotel is fully booked." Yuuji asked and they all.

"Shit... Travelling with the gang without Tooru is... really hard. Should we tell him?" Tetsurou asked.

"It will stress him out more..." Daichi said.

"What do we do?" Sachirou asked worriedly.

"We... we will figure it out somehow." Satori replied and they all started to plan out what they'll do in Australia.

"Koutarou you lead the group." Semi said.

"Me? Don't wanna..." Koutarou replied and crossed his arms.

"Tetsu. You lead." Semi said and Tetsurou raised a brow.

"Well... if you want us to be in jail in the next twenty four hours so... cool." Tetsurou replied.

"NO!" Daichi yells.

"Satori. How about you?" Daichi and Satori laughed.

"Lets go to prison it is." Satori said and Eita rubbed his temples.

"Semi?" Daichi asked and Semi shook his head.

"I don't have a good sense of direction. Well... We can get lost together but its okay as long as we're together HAHAHAHAHA." Semi said and Kiyoomi whacked his head.

"Second year babies. Who wants to lead the gang for now?" Satori asked and they all avoided eye contact.

"Seems like one decent guy is left for us..." they all looked at Daichi with puppy eyes.

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