Semi start!

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Its a lovely friday. The gang was eating their lunch together as usual and they were chatting about random things.

"I'm going home to Miyagi this afternoon." Tooru informed his friends.

"Me too." Daichi said.

"Me too." Yuuji.

Semi and Tendou shared looks before they nodded and smiled.

"The Eita and I too. Lets go there together." Tendou said.

"My parents wants me home. I am scared to be honest." Oikawa said.

"Don't be scared." Sakusa said and Tooru was about to say something Sakusa quickly added "Be petrified."

Whenever Tooru was called to come home, it was no good. His childhood friends knew it all. They knew it.

"Did you do something wrong?" Osamu asked.

"The question is, did he do something right?" Tetsurou asked and Tooru pinched his thigh causing the other male to yelp.

"Your parents are cool with choosing who to like right? I mean you can marry whoever you like right?" Koutarou asked.

"My folks don't mind." Tetsurou said.

"I don't know... but they already know I like Ushijima since high school." Tendou said.

"They probably think I am also into boys like y'all. Thanks to Oikawa Tooru." Sakusa said and crossed his arms.

"Wow. Bold of you to assume we are straight." Oikawa mocked. Terushima, Sachirou and Osamu gasped and Oikawa mimicked mockingly.

Bokuto laughed at Oikawa's antics before he ate his lunch. Sakusa gave Osamu a side eye as he thought 'this little bitch.' and Daichi crossed his arms.

"My parents haven't said anything about that at all." Daichi said.

"Satori will be the first one to get a lover in our group. If I won't be able to get a lover, can I use your love story as reference?" Sami asked Tendou who laughed.

Satori huh. If only you guys knew what happened to Osamu and his twin's best friend.

Sakusa turned to look at Osamu and sipped on his drink. The other male was confused but he just smiled and shook his head.

"What's up with you smiling creepily like that?" Osamu asked nervously.

"I am plotting murder in my head. Its kinda lovely how they would die without even dirtying my hands." Sakusa replied and the others shared looks.

"Anyways. You better behave yourselves." Oikawa said.

"You just want to go back to Miyagi and hope you'll bump into UshiWaka." Sachirou said and Tendou laughed.

"You gave me that idea Sachirou-chan." Tendou said.

"If you'll be in jail for stalking I won't visit you." Sakusa threatened and Tendou laughed harder.

After they ate lunch, they attended their afternoon classes. The others are also going to back to their hometowns except Tetsurou and Bokuto.

The Miyagi boys decided to ride the bullet train and Daichi prayed the others will behave themselves because they might be in trouble already.

"How should I impress Ushijima-san... I mean, I want to buy hin something but that guy is hella richer compared to me." Satori said and Oikawa chuckled.

"He can buy you." Oikawa said.

"If he wants to." Semi said and Satori sighed.

They arrived in Miyagi after hours of riding the train. Before they all 0arted ways, they gave Oikawa a tight hug because they really knew Oikawa is in deep shit right now.

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