Handsome problems

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Yuuji crossed his arms and sighed oh so loudly and he even rolled his eyes. He stood there grumpily and he was lowkey having a tantrum.

"Terushima Yuuji if you really hate going to the super market then go home." Chikara said and Yuuji glared at him before he walked away.

Chikara's heart raced in fear. Normally Yuuji would whine first and stomp his foot like a brat but this reaction was really unexpected. He immediately ran after his fiance and he grabbed his arm.

"I'll go home first. Do your grocery shopping alone." Yuuji said and rolled his eyes.

"Yuuji tell me what's wrong?" Chikara asked softly and he Yuuji still had that pissed off face.

"I won't take long, we'll just buy the stuffs we need. We are leaving tonight." Chikara said and Yuuji sighed and nodded.

"Fine." Yuuji said and Chikara smiled amd held Yuuji's hand while holding the basket.

"Do you want me to buy some you some snacks?" Chikara asked and Yuuji shrugged.

"Doesnt matter. There are snacks in the plane." Yuuji replied nonchalantly and Chikara can feel his blood boiling.

"Yuuji? What's the matter with you? I am-"

"Terushima-kun, long time no see." A pretty lady smiled at Yuuji and Yuuji nodded curtly.

"You haven't been going to the club. Found a lover already?" She asked and Yuuji shrugged.

"Something like that." Yuuji replied nonchalantly.

"Ohhh. I see. But if you're not satisfied, you can always come to us." She said and Yuuji laughed.

"Right. Right. Okay." Yuuji said and she winked.

"My number is still the same. See ya around Terushima-kan."  She said and left.

Chikara stood there with a blank look on his face and Yuuji turned to look at him.

"You were saying?"

"Doesnt matter. Forget it." Chikara said and grabbed whatever he needed and they paid for the items and went back to their place.

Chikara made his way to his own room to get ready while Yuuji made his way to his own room to get ready.

"Calm down Chikara... Yuuji doesnt mean it... or does he?"


Osamu just finished taking a shower and he sat on his sofa only wearing his boxers and his t-shirt. He was watching Suna picking out clothes for him to wear.

"Sunarin I want to wear shorts." Osamu said and Suna turned to look at him.

"What if your legs will get cold in the plane or when he get there?" Suna asked and Osamu stood up and walked towards his boyfriend then he wrapped his arms around Suna.

"I won't get cold." Osamu said and Suna nodded.

"Okay..." Suna said grabbed a pair of black shorts and a blue and gray t-shirt. He handed it to Osamu who kissed his cheek and he got dressed.

Suna was wearing a pair of black knee ripped jeans, his gray tank top and a blue polo then his white shoes.

Osamu wore his slides and he grabbed his suitcase. He made his way downstairs and saw Kiyoomi and Atsumu were having matching outfits.

Kiyoomi was wearing white shorts and his peach colored sweater and while Atsumu was wearing his peach colored hoodie and his white jeans.

"Are my snacks here?" Osamu asked his boyfriend.

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