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Nayeon stared at the woman before them. Her eyes grew dull at the sight of the female raccoon.

"Trying to escape?" Momo stared back at the bunny with the same piercing eyes. "I don't think you can make it." She says nonchalantly, not showing any interest.

"Then get the fuck out of our way." Nayeon said, arms crossing, growing impatient.Momo chuckles  amused by the older girl action. "Okay." She shrugged and usher the two take a leave.

But none of the two older woman move. "What is your intention Momo?" Irene ask, puzzled by the latter's action. Momo smiles - a genuine one and say:"I'm just doing this, in favor of someone." -Then she completely walk towards the opposite way of the exit.

But before she take a turn she spin herself and face the two other woman. "Hurry up, you only have four minutes by now. And tell Y/n, I will meet her later." She turn around and completely vanished from their sight.


I breathe heavily as I lean my back against a tree trunk. I and Mina had successfully escape from the uncountable men in suit that try to murder us.

With the light emitted from the moon, we manage to get trough the forest, but unfortunately we need to take another path, away from the other hide out.

Mina sat quietly across of me. Her eyes were closed, not letting her guard down. We sat where we cannot be easily seen by the patrols. The sounds of crickets could only be heard, harmonizing with melodic flow of the wind.

I look around, wary over my environment. I glance at Mina from time to time, but she did not move - any bit.

The leaves fell from its branch and landed on the leafy ground, follows by a sound of creaking dry leaves, indicating that someone had turn to this direction. The penguin eyes fluttered open. She look around and observes the calm forest.

From afar I could see a small blur figure. One of the two were completely exposed because of the moonlight. Tho I need to squint my eyes, I could still recognize the taller one.

It was Jisoo.

My eyes widen so as well Mina. What on the earth is my sister doing here. Here I thought she have gone to the hideout. I exposed myself. Coming out from  my hiding place and called them discreetly. "Unnie!" I wheezes.

Although it was more pretty faint, they had heard it, walking over my direction. As they move closer, I have finally have the view to recognize the other one. It's Dahyun. I frown when I saw the damage skin of her, cause by something hard. More likely metal or stone. She have a lot of blood all over her pale skin and moistened clothes - moistened with blood.

"What happened?" I wondered, looking back to my sister and to Dahyun. "Let's talk about that later. We need to move or we will be get caught." Mina brushes off my question.

Jisoo unnie nodded, helping the limping tofu. "Follows me. I know a shorter way to get there."


Chaeyoung stared at the woman opposite of her. Judging her appearance and posture. "Such a miracle. You agree to help them." Jeongyeon says with an action, which irritates the smaller. "Oh.. Yoo Jeongyeon let her family be in danger just to help her ex-bestfriend." Chaeyoung retorted with the same mocking tone, mirroring the action of the older.

Sana and Tzuyu watches as the two insult and mocks each other.Not until the door burst open and Sana, pretend to stop the two from bickering.

But to Sana disappointment, It was not the person she was anticipating to that enters the room. It was the two bunnies. One were sweating, while the other one is covered with blood.

As soon as Nayeon set a foot inside, she fell on the ground unconscious and Jeongyeon was quick to rush towards the bunny and check up on her. She carries her and laid over the bed inside the hide out, with the others trailing behind. As soon as she settled the older on the bed she faced the eldest among them.

"I don't know what happened either. She was already covered with blood when they brought her over the room where I was locked up." Joohyun shrug a shoulder.

"How about Dahyun?"


I and the other girl had gone into an unfamiliar place. Jisoo unnie lead us into a lifeless part of the forest, There's no trace of any living things.

She motioned Mina to search for the entrance that lead the way inside the underground. It took only a minute before Mina had found it, brushing away the dried leaves that hide the secret passage. "Let's go." Jisoo muttered out and moves closer to the said way - supporting the injured tofu.

Mina enters first, follows by Dahyun - who were help by the two older. And my sister ushers me to go down after the pale girl, so I did without a word and she enters after me.

I was amaze when I have view  the whole place. It was different from the first one. It's more likely a house, A round house beneath the earth.

It was so quiet that it bothers me.  Buy I did not say any word. We reach the end of the hallway and saw a door - simple browned-painted door.

Jisoo step forward, twisting the door knob and pushes the door open, revealing the others having a meeting of their own. Chaeyoung is the first one to notice. "They're are here." She inform the others.

In a matter of second I am engulf in a bone crushing hug. "Sana I can't breath." I tap the squirrel shoulder then she let go, smiles not even lessen a bit.

"Joohyun?" Jisoo eyebrows upon noticing her presence. "I was with Nayeon. We escaped." Joohyun utters and Jisoo nodded."Is she okay?"

"Unfortunately she isn't. She's exhausted and looks pale, I don't even know how we had pass the guards to escape." -Joohyun.

"Mina please take Dahyun to Nayeon current room so she could rest." Jisoo usher the penguin and Mina obeyed without a question.

After Mina and Dahyun had left. Jisoo focus on the other girl, while Sana still stick to me,my right arm wrapped around hers. Obviously unaware of the Deathly stare of someone.

"Were discussing about the drug that the enemies were working on." Chaeyoung replied, Tho I'm still confused how on the earth my sister had convince the cub.

"Doos it work this time?"

"No." Tzuyu shook her head as she continued. "There's only 1% that they'd succeed. They have force the other student of Cromonica before to take the drug but it made the student lost their mind and others intentionally commit suicide to end their misery. Their research had out into a halt when the rebellion happen but now it continues."

"Do you have any idea what is their purpose that they needed to sacrifice many life?" -Jisoo ask.

Tzuyu sigh and resumes her explanation. "It was because the running President want every teenagers and children to create a new generation themselves. Like you know.. A genius that can help to develop the society of South Korea.Uses the experimented people to be his greatest success, to be known worldwide, create money, to be fame and other stuff that clearly shows a person greediness over money and power."

"Is that why He want to be run as a President?" I question with a frown.

"Yes. As can you see no one survive the experiment but I know one person who survive, Tho the drug hit in sometimes. Actually.. She is part of top-tiers" Tzuyu concluded.

"Who is it?"

"Hirai Momo. "

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