Ch. 13: So...Thomas

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*Y/n POV*
Teresa and I got to know each other a little bit, talking about random things together. I knew immediately that we were going to get along well. She was really easy to talk to, and we had a lot in common...well, of what she could tell since she didn't have memories. But after we'd talked for a while, I remembered how she said Thomas's name before she passed out, so I figured I'd ask her about it.

"Hey, do you remember earlier when you were in the box, what you said right before you passed out?"

"Yeah, I think I said the name Thomas right?"

"Yeah. How do you know him?"

"Oh I don't. For some reason that's just the only name I remembered when I woke up. I have no idea what it means though. Is there a Thomas here?"

"Yes there is actually. He's in the maze with Minho."

"The maze..."

"Ooh right! I gotta give you the tour. Come on!"

I grabbed her hand and pulled her up, running out the door with her to start the tour. I started with the homestead, then showed her the different jobs. I skipped the builders since Gally was in a bad mood, what's new? Then, we finally made our way towards the direction of the maze.

"So basically, the maze is where the runners go. Everyday they go out there and try and find a way out of this place. I used to be a runner too. Me and Minho would run together."

"Why aren't you a runner anymore?"

"Long story short, my brother's a controlling, overprotective jerk." I stated nonchalantly.

"Oh" Teresa said, I could tell she was kind of surprised at the way I described him. "Wait, who's your brother?"

"Alby, the first in command."

"Oh. Well I guess it makes sense why he's like that then."

"Yeah I guess. He literally came at me so hard earlier about my outfit and tried to make me go change. That's just one of the many examples of him getting on my nerves."

"Really? I think it's cute."

"Thank you! Finally someone around here gets me. I cannot tell you how annoying it has been being stuck with all boys for three years. I mean of course I have my friends but sometimes you just need a girl to talk to."

"Yeah of course." She replied.

It was then that I noticed two figures jogging up to the maze doors that we were walking towards, it was Minho and Thomas.

"Speaking of guys friends, here come Thomas and Minho" we walked a little closer to the doors to meet them half way, when they finally made it through.

"Hi guys!" I said as I went to hug them both, but I quickly stepped back noticing how sweaty they were.

"Umm actually, maybe we'll just do a high five." They both rolled their eyes returning my high five. That was when they noticed someone behind me.

"Wait...what? Is that a-"

"A girl! Yes! Guys this is Teresa, the new greenie. Teresa this is Minho and Thomas."

"H-hi." She said with a timid wave.

"Hey." Thomas said as he stared at her.

"Wait? This is the Thomas you were telling me about?" Teresa asked turning back to me.

"Yep. The one and only. Do you remember anything now that you've seen him?"

She looked at him a little longer to try and trigger her memory, but it was no use.

"Nope, just remembered his name for some reason I guess."

"Okay I have no idea what y'all are talking about, but why am I the only one shocked that there's literally another girl standing here?! You've been the only one for three years! Not to mention the greenie came two weeks after Thomas."

"Oh and she's the last one...ever." You said jokingly although you were quite serious.


"Don't worry, I'll catch you up on everything at dinner. Go map your sections." I said cutting him off. "Come on Teresa, let's go."

*Minho's POV*

I stood next to Thomas and watched as y/n and the new girl walked away giggling and talking. This was all so weird, since when does the greenie come this early? And a girl greenie? Y/n doesn't seem to think it's weird, I think she's just happy to have another girl around.

Thomas and I turned to walk to the map room.

"That Teresa girl is kinda hot. Don't you think?" Thomas asked me.

"Ehh." I shrugged. Thomas had no idea about me having a thing for y/n and I intend to keep it that way. He's great and all, but he has a big mouth, and he's friends with the both of us so I wouldn't want something to accidentally slip and ruin me and y/n's friendship.

"What do you mean 'ehh'?! She's literally so gorgeous. Her eyes and her hair. But then y/n too, she's so pretty and fun and-"

"Okay okay I get it Teresa and Y/n are hot, but can we please map our sections so we can get outta here?"

"Oh yeah okay."

He turned back to his section and finally stopped talking. It's not that I didn't want to talk to him, I just didn't want to talk to him about her. Not the way he was at least. It just doesn't sit right with me to here him call her pretty, I mean of course it's true. It would be obvious to anyone . Maybe I'm just slightly jealous because I know for certain that other people notice her beauty just as much as I do.

*time skip to dinner*

Everyone was sat at the bonfire asking Teresa a bunch of questions. She seemed kind of shy and didn't want to answer some of them, but y/n was quick to defend her and snap back at the boys with sarcasm. What's new?

Dinner honestly went by kind of slowly because I wasn't really talking to y/n since she was with Teresa, but it's fine, she made a new friend who's also a girl, I get it. When Alby told everyone it was time to sleep, everyone went to their hammocks. Since y/n and Teresa were the only girls, they'd just shared a room until we could get everything situated.

"Yay! It'll be like a sleepover but every night!" Both the girls squealed with excitement.

"Goodnight everyone!" Y/n yelled before going into her room. I just made my way to my hammock like every other night.

Sorry, this ones kinda short and uneventful lol. And again, sorry for the slow updates, the next few chapters should be more interesting though.

Forbidden love: A Minho Maze Runner ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now