Ch. 16: "The problem is that I love you"

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A/N: Got a TON of comments and PMs asking for an update and I finally finished up this chapter so enjoy!

*no one's POV*

"Minho!" you yelled while chasing after him through the glade and into the woods. He ignored you and continued walking to the map room, hoping you'd leave him alone.

"Minho wait! Come here!"

"Leave me alone y/n."

"No! I'm not leaving you alone until you tell me what's wrong." You said entering the map room behind Minho and shutting the door. You knew was wrong, of course, but just pretended not to.

"Nothing's wrong. Why don't you go back to your little boyfriend, Gally out there? I'm sure he's missing you." anger laced his words and his jaw clenched tightly, which you thought was extremely attractive, as he replayed the earlier events in his head. He was jealous. Your plan had definitely worked successfully, but now you had another issue on your hands.

"I don't have a boyfriend Minho. Im not dating anyone. You of all people should know that."

"Well you two were sure acting like you were dating."

"Why are you even mad?! We were just talking. What, am I not allowed to talk to anyone but you now?"

"Of course you're allowed to talk to other people y/n, just not like that."

"Like what?"

"Flirting! Like how you and Gally were!"

"So what if we were flirting, it's none of your business. Why do you even care?!"

"Because you're breaking the rules!"

"Because I'm breaking the rules." You scoffed. "Minho you don't even care about half the rules here! Both you and I have broken many of them and now, all of a sudden you have an issue with breaking the rules? That's a load of klunk. So stop lying and tell me what the problem is!"

"THE PROBLEM IS THAT I LOVE YOU!" he shouted getting close to you. Your eyes went wide. He just admitted it. "The problem is that I'm in love with you, my best friend. I have been for a really long time, I just didn't realize until a while ago. And I hate seeing you talking to other guys the way you were talking to Gally today at dinner. And sometimes, I even hate that I became your best friend, because deep down I wish we were more." he paused and took your hands in his and squeezed them gently, then looked back into your e/c eyes. You could hardly focus on the words that were coming out of his mouth because his eyes held you in a trance.

"When I made that bet with you, I wasn't lying when I said I couldn't think of anything else, because the only thing I can ever think about is you, and what it would be like to kiss you. What it would be like to call you mine. And I'm kicking myself for telling you this right now because I know that once I'm finished our entire friendship is going down the drain. But I can't keep hiding my feelings anymore. I'm in love with you y/n. I am so deeply in love with you. And nothing is ever going to change that. Even if you stop talking to me for the rest of your life after this, I will still love you."

You were in complete shock. Teresa had told you that he probably liked you l, but you had no idea it was like this. He was truly in love with you. You stared at the ground, not saying a word. To be honest you had no idea what to say. You knew what you felt but you didn't know how to put it into words.

Forbidden love: A Minho Maze Runner ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now