Chapter 48: The Search

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Robin left her apartment in a hurry but made sure that her house was locked and secure. She only took her phone and purse with her when she searched for a taxi. She shouted for it and got inside only a second after it stopped for her. "Budapest Airport. Step on it please."

She laughed shakily thinking about how stupid she had been earlier. Every moment she had spent with Ben had been a blessing. She had gotten a chance at something new yet comfortable. She trusted him enough to show him who she really was.

That meant everything for her.

She may have had problems with communicating with people before but this was Ben. He had given up everything for her as well. She only needed to find him and let him know that their fight did not make much sense and that was only because of her. She loved him. "I love him." She whispered under her breath and laughed at those words coming out of her mouth. All her life, she had been running away from this exact feeling. She wasn't ready to trust someone with the horrors of her life. But she wanted to do that with Ben. She was finally ready.

Every minute that she spent in the taxi was agony in waiting....waiting to see him once more just to let him know that he was right. He was right. She did not mean what she had said. It was the heat of the moment. She had tried to call him but Ben had already put his phone in Flight Mode. She could have met him in L.A. and told him the truth, but there was no way she was going to get through the next few days without letting him know.

The taxi stopped and she rushed out of it after paying for the ride. She ran inside the airport and searched for Ben's flight in the overhead screens. The numbers were right before her eyes and looking at the far end, she saw the red triangle.

"Oh thank goodness."

The flight was delayed.

Robin thought how strange it was that they had met each other on a flight and now, she was going to tell him how she felt in the Budapest Airport. It was beautifully symbolic. This is what connected the two of them.

She got to the counter and asked for the details of the flight that Ben would be boarding soon. The attendant told her that she would have to buy a ticket if she had to go further into the airport. "I-I'm here to tell someone something very important." She said, going through her purse in search of her credit card. "I know that this sounds super cliche but....please give me that cheapest ticket you have. I only need to have ten minutes."

And once she got a ticket to Amsterdam on the recent flight, which was also symbolic because that's where the two of them had started to get to know each other. Memories of walking down the streets and looking at the sunset before leaving Amsterdam flashed through Robin's eyes, erasing the lingering sensation of the accident. She laughed heartily to herself as she ran past the checkpoints because she had no luggage. The security was concerned because she only had her purse and phone with her, but she had no time to explain.

Robin reached the waiting room after a lot of stops. A lot of people were present there but she was only searching for the familiar raven-head and started to panic when she couldn't find him. She looked at the overhead screen once again and saw the red triangle still present there. The flight was delayed and there was no way she could have missed him. This was the only flight that was going to L.A. from the airport.


She turned around and let out a breath of relief. "Ben." She walked over to him and pulled him into a hug. "Oh, thank the Saints that I caught you in time!"

"What...." He had a huge smile on his face but there was confusion in his eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"I...." She laughed at how she was having trouble speaking because she was having a serotonin rush at just catching him in time. "I came for you. I'm so sorry that I got paranoid and went in an absolute frenzy I-"

"You don't have to apologise, Robin. I completely understand."

She smiled at his kindness. "You were right. You were absolutely right. I did not mean any of it. Of course we are meant to be together and of course we can get past this! This is only one article. We can get through a hundred of these if that's what it takes to be with you."

Ben's eyes melted as he let out a breath of relief. He had hoped that he and Robin could figure things out between them and seeing her in front of him, he had everything that he needed. "You're willing to give this a try? Us?"

She put her arms around his neck. "More than willing."

He looked at her eyes and kissed her, not wanting to lose that moment. When he let go, he rested his forehead against hers. "I think I'm falling in love with you." He whispered. "No. I am falling in love with you, Robin." He pushed the lock of hair falling over her eyes behind her ears.

She gasped softly. He was telling her what she had wanted to tell him first. "I'm falling in love with you too."

They were met by silence once again but this one, they were smiling like idiots. "So?"

"So," Robin started. "I'm already shifted to LA. All my stuff has already been moved into my new house. We....don't have so many miles between us."

"What about our work?"

She cocked her head to one side. "I think we can manage it. Together."

His smile grew wider. "Together." He pulled her into a hug and spun her around. "Oh, I'm so happy! Thank you thank you thank you, Robin!"

She laughed when her feet touched the ground again. "No. Thank you, Ben. Thank you for changing my life."

Someone from a few feet away cleared their throat, making Ben look over his shoulder. "Oh." He hung his head. "Yes, Bella?"

Robin looked at the teenager almost squealing at the top of her voice, who hopped over towards Ben and hugged him. "I told you! I told you! I told you!" She shouted. She let him go and put her hand forward to greet Robin. "Isabella Williams. So nice to finally meet you!"

Robin looked at Ben going red. "Robin Hale." She shook hands with the young actress. "I'm guessing that he was brooding somewhere."

"Hey, I was moping!" Ben corrected as he hugged Robin with one arm. "We had moments of mutual pining for each other."

Bella closed her mouth with both hands. She had finally talked some sense into Ben since she never won when it came to literature talks."I promise I didn't hear anything but whatever happened, I'm really happy for the two of you."

The speakers announced the arrival of the flight right at that time, breaking the little moment between Robin and Ben who stood hand in hand. The two looked at each other and Bella backed away to let them have their moment.

"So." Robin smiled. It did hurt that she would have to say bye to Ben even if it was only for two days. "I'll see you back home?"

He kissed her temple in answer. He picked his luggage up and joined the cast and crew of the upcoming show 'Light and Knight'. He turned around once more to see Robin. "I'll pick you up from the airport."

"I'll see you soon, Mr. Summers."

He walked over to her once again and kissed her once more. "I'll see you soon, Miss Hale."

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