The gemini and the aquarius

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The crowd went wild as the heels clicked, and a tall lean figure strutted onto the stage.

"Alright ya'll- now you know I don't do club gigs often anymore, so you all better know that you're getting a real special treat todayyy-" raja cheered as the crowd went wild. The music started as she strutted to the centre of the runway stage,  her starting to lipsync as she noticed a figure in the crowds, another drag queen, at least she- thought- she looked young, and nervous- too you and too nervous to be in the club. For a second, they made eye contact as raja dipped down and the crowd cheered, her following ever lyric in the song. The queen gave a small wave before shoving her way through teh crowd and running off to the corner of the bar.

"Girl- why don't they ever cheer that hard for me-" Bianca joked as raja walked back stage, counting her tips while the over enthusiastic cheering of the crowd could still be heard. "Well maybe if you weren't such a bitch-" raja started, before hearing a small "hello?" From outside the dressing room door. "Hey, it sounds like one of your adoring fans made it in the back-" "hello?" The voice went again, this time louder and more unsure. "Just a second-" raja called out, shoving the tips into her makeup bag before speeding over to the door and cracking it open.

There was the queen that he noticed in his number- up close, he was a lot shorter and his makeup was a bit cakey and undefined- and- he definitely looked young- 15, raja decided, 16 at most- how did this toddler even get in?

"I-I'm Giovanni- and- I- want to be a drag queen, I've been trying but just- I would really appreciate some help and-" he suddenly bowed down, causing raja to stumble back a step. "Please me my drag mother!" Bianca gave out a snort in the background as of saying "now yoh feel the consequences." "Sorry, but no can do kid." Raja went, pushing Giovanni's shoulders slightly to straighten him back out from his bow. "I'm not looking for any drag kids right now- or ever." He added, seeing the slightly hopeful look in the kid's eyes. "I don't even know how you got in here- just get out before we call security."

"No- wait- please- just hear me out-" Giovanni said quickly, as raja started to shut the door on him. "I already said what I said- just get coming to where you need to go already-" "hey, but harsh?" Bianca laughed. "Oh come on-" Sutan sighed. "Just go home and find someone else, kid. "I- wait-" he went, desperate to stop the door from closing. "I can prove myself, I-" "no's a no. Bye kid."

"I DON'T HAVE ANYWHERE TO GO-" he suddenly let out, as a desperate yell rather than the reserved whispers he's used up until then. Raja paused, and so did Bianca, half way through peeling off an eyelash and turning over to stare at the kid. "I'm- so-sorry for yelling- I just- I got kicked out of my house, alright- my dad found out I was gay and all that and out of something I used my savings to get out here to the city to try and make a living off drag and it's the only thing I want to do and I-" he sighed. "I just want to make it. Please. Just- survive. You can help with that. I know it's selfish- but it's my last resort."

Raja paused for a second, clearly stunned at the statements he's just been fed. What he thought was just some random rebellious kid from the city running away turned out to be a last attempt to find help- he read the kid wrong- but what the hell was he supposed to do?

"You sure that you can't go home-" raja went, raising an eyebrow. Giovanni nodded. "He's cut me off on all my contacts." He mumbled. "My dad doesn't want anything to do with me." "Well-" raja went, rubbing his forehead, trying to think of a solution for this mess. "Where do you live now-" the kid looked around in mild embarrassment, then in a low voice, whispered "I- don't really live anywhere. I just move around on whichever street has no one on it. It's not like I can afford anything."  Raja stared down at the Giovanni, mixed with conflict and sympathy, watching tears well up in his eyes. What was he supposed to do- what was he- supposed to-

"Oh, screw this-" raja sighed. "You're coming with me. I can't just leave a kid on the streets."
Giovanni looked up in surprise, a smile filling his face. "REALLY?" He yelled, unable to contain his happiness. "Yeah. Really." Raja responded, slightly regretful.

What in the hell had he just gotten himself into???

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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Move, my dads a drag queen. (Includes Manila x Raja if you're not into that-)Where stories live. Discover now