Updates on the story!

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Hello! For anyone that's still reading or following this book- yes it's still an ongoing project, and it's not abandoned. I've settled down in school now, so hopefully I'll be able to start off the story again, starting today!

A few things that should be cleared up about this story-

A. The queen's ages aren't set, and most likely are not the same as what they are in real life. Some characters are also altered, so it's definitely different.

B. A lot of these queens are characters, and not the actual people. Following their drag personas.

C. This isn't a short story, but more a really long story that follows this universe. It Dosent have one clear set plot- there is an overarching plot, but it's not dead- set on finishing one story

D. This story will be completed, but it will however take quite a bit of time!

Honestly, thank you to everyone that has followed this story up until now. It's been a true pleasure having you here. I promise that I'll try my best to make this story the best that it can be for you guys!


A stressed out turtle

Move, my dads a drag queen. (Includes Manila x Raja if you're not into that-)Where stories live. Discover now