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Kaliyah's POV:

I was running behind Ria and gigi, sure, but my eyes were still glued to Ben and jinkx.

The way that they looked at each other, almost in pain but also quite friendly- they had a history, and a long one. They would always slowly stick together, then pull apart suddenly when they noticed that they were too close, exchanging the awkward smiles on their faces. If only I could hear what they were saying- but I had to pretend that it was fine.

"Come on- we've gotta go on a ride before this place is filled with people!" I quickly snapped out of my daze, remembering that this was Disney and not detective time. "Ria- stop running-" gigi yelled from behind her, looking extremely annoyed. "MAKE ME!" She screamed, taking a few more steps before suddenly wobbling around and toppling flat on the ground.

"Maria!" Her clumsiness was sometimes beyond me. "Are you alright!" She got up, giggling and dusting herself off. "I'm fine- let's go already." Gigi looked like he wanted to dial 911.

"You okay?" He circled around Ria with a worried look. "I told you not to run idiot-"she shoved him away, grabbing onto my arm. "Oh, quite being an old man, gigi- me and Kaliyah's going to actually have fun." I couldn't help but nod in agreement. "Hey- wait for me!" he screeched from behind us.

"So, where we going first?" I tried. "Rollercoaster-" Maria screeched, looking like she was about to faint. "Roller- you've gotta be kidding me." Gigi looked annoyed, slightly scared even. "What- you scared-" "am NOT- if you say roller coaster, that's what we're doing-" he straightened, suddenly serious.

Oh boy.

Ben's POV:

Dear jinkx,
I love you.

I had known that for almost a year now- in fact, the idea looked over me every day like a bad curse. I tried to tell it to you- I really did.

You don't know this- but our friends always try and tell me to fess up all the time. I know. Cliche. But I really do love you- maybe even a bit too much, if that's possible.

"Jinkx! Come sit with us-" I called out across the cafeteria, garnering a few stray looks from the other tables. It's stupid, I know- you always sit here anyways. But I guess I'm just scared that one day you'll be somewhere else- it's silly.  But so are we, right?

"So, what happened with you today?" You sat down with a faint smile. "Nothing much- usual. Second period was boring." Laughter from the others spread all across. "Oh god- I hope I don't get mr. Parker next year" you whispered quietly. I had to do it- I had to say it to you, I had to-

But what would I do if you didn't like me- and how would I ever live knowing that- the rest of high school would just be a slow torture fest of watching you go off with different people. But how would I know if I didn't try? It's funny how things change- before last year when we met. Lexi was everything to me- I had known her since kindergarten- always witty and kind, better than everyone else in class. Yet you somehow changed that- somehow. It's strange- it really is.

"Ben?" You suddenly whispered, snapping me out of my daze. "You still listening?" I could see my friend cheering me on from beside you, whooping and pointing at you. I took a deep breath.

"Jinkx- listen- we've been friends for a long time and you-um- you really get me and-" you looked at me confused, backing down slightly. "I- I think that- I like y-"

"BEN!" I suddenly shot up, hearing jinkx's screech. "Are you even listening to me?" I looked around, suddenly noting the disney surroundings. "Ben- you're zoning out again- get it together won't you-" jinkx snapped her fingers I'm front of me, a worried look on his face." "Yeah- yeah. I'm good." I breathed, trying to control my thoughts.

"Like I was saying- I know that it's been a long time since we've been civil like this and- i know that nothing will change the past... but-" jinkx took a deep breath, a small tear falling down her face. "I want you back in my life. Back in high school- back in those days... I just want you back." We exchanged smiles for a small moment, taking the view in. "You know-" I couldn't help but to crack a smile. "This topic is way too serious for sitting next to "the micky express." For a moment, jinkx looked suprised- then we both broke down into loud laughter, scaring the family beside us. "Oh ben-" he wipes down the tear on her face, still red from laughing. "You're still just as dumb as you were two decades ago-" I gave her a smile. "I guess we really aren't all that different from back then, huh?"

Move, my dads a drag queen. (Includes Manila x Raja if you're not into that-)Where stories live. Discover now