Macdonald's and a missing child

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A/N: this plushie is beautiful.

Gigi's POV:
What the hell have I gotten myself into?
"Are you even going to eat?" I asked her, beyond annoyed. Across the red and yellow Macdonald's table from me sat a teen girl who I had found at the bar gig I was at. God forbid, I should've just left her there. Look what happened when I was Actually nice for once. I looked like I've kidnapped a girl, I've wasted 6.99 on a meal she's not even eating, and I've already missed the last damn bus that came by twenty minutes ago. I wanted to blame the girl but I just couldn't- she didn't inherently do anything wrong. I could've just said no. God, why did I even agree to take her there in the first place?

"I'm waiting for it to cool down." She finally answered. I snickered. "Cool down? This is fast food, not fine dining. Just eat it already so I can return you and go home to mourn about my lost 6.99 plus tax." She looked guilty. I felt guilty. Goddammit.  "So, Gi, what's your job?" She said in between nibbles on a fry. "Gi? Isn't my name already short enough, for f**k's sake?" Very awkwardly, I realized the entire MacDonald's has just witnessed me screaming a swear word towards a kid that I was not related to in any way, and I sank into my chair. "It's cute. Like a nickname." She said shortly. "I- whatever. I'll never see you again anyway, and I'll never have to hear that damn nickname-" "you gave me your number." She held up her phone.


Manila's POV:
Half an hour. She's been missing for half an hour. Me and Bianca have gone outside to look around for her, while raja asked people in the bar if anyone has seen her. Bendela was still crying on the floor as Raven tried to talk to her.

I would be lying if I had said that I wasn't angry with Ben. Of course, I was.

Just thirty minutes ago, everything was fine.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE!" Raja tapped on her microphone. "ME AND MY LOVELY HUSBAND HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE" the crowd looked around excitedly at one another. "LATELY, WE'VE BEEN WANTING TO ADD A MEMBER TO OUR FAMILY..." people started to catch on to what was going on and started screaming and clapping. "AND TODAY, WE FINALLY LEGALLY ADOPTED OUR NEW DAUGHTER, MARIA!" I wiped a tear from my eye. It felt so good to hear that she was ours, that we were a family. But happiness quickly turned to surprise when no one walked up on the stage. Parts of the crowd started laughing, thinking that we were joking or that Maria was shy. I went down the stage to go get her- maybe she didn't hear us? I opened the door to the backstage.

It was empty.

Thoughts swarmed my mind- how could I have left her alone? Maybe she was just taking a breath outside? Or maybe- suddenly, the door opened and revealed a shaking bendelacreme. "DID MARIA GO ON STAGE?" She looked at me hopefully. I shook my head. "WHERE IS SHE?"

Move, my dads a drag queen. (Includes Manila x Raja if you're not into that-)Where stories live. Discover now