Chapter Six- First Blood

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It was a beautiful morning. Garath went outside to his weapons shed in the backyard to grab a gun and shoot at some targets that he set up. Now, Garath loved every single gun within the shed. But there was one that he loved more than the rest: his Winchester 1892 rifle which he endearingly calls, Rosa. However, when Garath came to the display where he normally kept his Winchester, the rifle was gone. He didn't have to go far to look for it since a loud BANG got his attention. Garath followed the sound of the gunshot and saw that a 10 year old boy next door was shooting his rifle.

 Garath followed the sound of the gunshot and saw that a 10 year old boy next door was shooting his rifle

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The boy's parents were watching with wide smiles on their faces. But Garath was angry to see that the neighbors' son was shooting his rifle. For Garath had made it crystal clear that nobody else was allowed to shoot his guns other than himself. He stormed over to the neighbors' house and snatched the rifle out of the boy's hands before the kid could fire another shot.

"Give me that." He snapped aggressively. "This rifle is no toy, boy! I've told you a thousand times, LEAVE MY GUNS ALONE!" He yelled.

At this, the boy began to cry and his mother stepped in.

"You give that rifle back to my son, immediately. He was having fun." She ordered.

But Garath tensed his muscles and slowly turned his head rather sharply, glaring daggers at her soul.

"No, bitch. This is my rifle. You never asked me to let him shoot it. I have warned him a thousand times that my guns are not toys. And I don't care who you are. Nobody but me touches my guns." He replied angrily.

Garath was just starting to walk away, when the boy's father grabbed his arm and brought him to a halt.

"That may be your gun. But this is my property, and you will obey my rules. And I suggest you do as my wife says and let my son shoot that rifle." He said.

The woman in question had a smug look on her face. But Garath pulled away and knocked the other man flat on his ass with a sucker punch, much to the surprise of the latter's wife.

"No. I will never let your little bastard of a son shoot my weapons. I could kill all three of you if I wanted to, but I'm not a murderer. So now you listen, and you listen good. If I ever catch your little boy shooting one of my guns again, he'll be sleeping with the fishes. So I'm warning you for the last time: Leave my guns alone." He said tensely.

With that, Garath angrily went home with his rifle in hand while the neighbors glared at him for refusing to obey them even though he was almost 23 years old which meant he's an adult. Garath knew that the boy's parents were angry since he refused to let their son shoot his rifle, but he didn't care because he's had enough of the boy disobeying him. He warned the little brat countless times to leave his guns alone, especially his precious Winchester 1892. Upon returning home, Garath went inside the shed to clean his rifle since the little brat got his germs on it.

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