Chapter Nine- Camping sucks

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Garath came out of the courthouse. The police chief kept his promise and interrogated Oscar first. Rick was the last one to be questioned and he was truthful when he said that he wanted nothing to do with Oscar's plan of stealing Garath's car. The judge believed everything that Rick told him and he was free to go while Oscar and Thomas were hit with a 50 year sentence in high security prison. Although he was still angry, Garath forgave Rick since he understood the reason why the latter helped Oscar in the beginning. But as the police took Oscar and Thomas away, both boys glared at Garath who glared back at them. He knew that they would find a way to breakout of prison and come back for him. So Garath drove to the beach to calm down.

"I swear to be damned, Oscar is asking for it. If I ever see him again, I will beat his ass like a Cherokee drum. And as for Thomas, I'll put his candy ass on the end of my fishing pole, throw him into a river and see what we catch. Hell, we'll probably catch a mutated freak fish since he's such a candy ass piece of trash." He said angrily.

Then he got a text message on his cellphone. It was from his friend, Braedey Martin.

"Hey Garath. Me and the guys are goin' camping at Beaver Pond. Jasmine and I thought you'd wanna come. Let me know if you made a decision.- Braedey

Garath contemplated the idea of going camping. But just when things couldn't get any worse, Taylor and her friends came by.

"Well, look who it is, girls. It's Mister Hot Rod." Taylor said.

Kaylee blocked off the left side while Emily walked up behind him in a seductive manner. Another girl walked up on Garath's right side while Taylor cut him off from the front. The 19 year old lady on the right was of Hispanic dissent, with brown eyes and shoulder-length black hair. It was Garath's ex girlfriend from high school, Lexi.

"Miss me?" Lexi asked.

But Garath just glared at her.

"No. I would never miss a slutty gold digger like you, jabroni." He said.

Emily seemed to smirk. She wrapped her arms around Garath and pressed her bust up against his back.

"You certainly are tense. How would you like to let off some steam with us?" She asked seductively.

"Would you rather have your body broken in 1000 different ways?" Garath asked in a very aggressive tone.

The venom from his voice was enough to scare Emily into letting him go and she fearfully backed away, knowing that Garath is more than capable of backing up his threats.

"Come on, you and I. We'll have ourselves a night of passion. It'll be our little secret. What do ya say?" Taylor asked.

"I... Said... NO!" Garath snapped, as he emphasized that 'no' by kicking Taylor in the abdomen.

Taylor knelt down as she was racked with pain from the blow of Garath's Roundhouse kick. Kaylee tried to attack, but Garath fought back. He stunned Kaylee with an Axe Kick before hitting her with a Spinning Hook Kick, snapping her jaw. After that, he smashed her face into his knee with enough force to shatter her skull. Garath finishes the job with a Backflip Kick and ends up dislocating Kaylee's jaw entirely while the latter is launched into the air. Just before Kaylee hit the ground, Garath knocked her away with a Shadow Kick.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2022 ⏰

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