Chapter Seven- Dreams and Douchebags

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Garath woke up the next morning. It was a beautiful day and nothing was going to ruin it. He was just heading for his gun shed, when he saw the little boy from next door trying to break into it. Having grown tired of the boy's shenanigans, Garath was enraged to see him trying to break into his gun shed. He storms over to the young boy, grabs the back of his shirt and lifts him up with one hand. The boy tried to break free, but Garath was far too strong for him and refused to let go.

"I thought I told you to leave my guns alone, boy." He said angrily.

"I don't care if they're your guns. I always get what I want. And I want to shoot that Winchester 1892 rifle." The boy replied.

Garath's face immediately tensed into a death glare as he tightened his grip.

"For the last time, the answer is NO. I forbid you to come onto my property for any reason. So shut your goddamn mouth, and go home!" Garath yelled, as he throws the boy like a ragdoll.

The boy landed in his own backyard with a crash and ended up breaking his left leg. His cries were heard by his mother who came running outside.

"Henry!" Bessie cried as she ran to pick up her son.

She took him inside where he was given to his father while Bessie stormed to Garath's house and got into his face, not knowing that she was making a big mistake.

"What did you do to my son?" She demanded.

"All I did was throw him into your own yard, bitch. I told him to stay away from my gun shed over a thousand times, and this was the last straw. I don't care what you or your fat pig of a husband say to me. Your son is forbidden to come onto my property. So if Henry wants to see the light of another day, I suggest you keep him on your own property or I swear to God I will kill him. And don't think I won't do the same to you." Garath answered.

This made Bessie furious. She did not like it when someone threatens her son even if he deserves it.

"You'd better come and apologize to my son right this instant, and you'd better let him shoot that rifle. Or I swear I will have you court martialed." She said.

But Garath stood firm, refusing to back down. He grabbed her by the neck and held her throat in a very tight grip.

"Never. You have no power here. And unfortunately for you, I put up a surveillance camera right above the door of my gun shed. So I have evidence of your son trespassing on my property. So don't even think about trying to sue me because you will lose." He said.

Bessie looked up and saw that Garath was right about the camera. He drops her and brings up the footage on his watch. The video showed Henry trying to break into Garath's gun shed. Upon seeing the video, Bessie realized that she had no chance of winning a court case against Garath.

"Now you listen and you listen good. You can try to command me all you want, I won't obey. You can threaten me all you want, I won't scare. So you give up Bessie. YOU GIVE UP. Because I won't. And if it's a fight George wants, I can certainly oblige." Garath snarled angrily.

Bessie ran home without a glance over her shoulder. Garath slowly turned his head towards one of the windows of Bessie's house and glared daggers at George's soul. George fearfully backed away from the window. He could feel the anger in Garath's eyes and it was enough to scare him off.

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