Chapter 10 everyone tells me that

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sorry! this was suppose to go up like 2 days ago but i took a nap and forgot i had finsihed this chapter ! 


Melody POV

I hear the door handle move, I look up from my bags to see the door open slightly. Her head pops in with a smile on her face.

“Do you need help unpacking?” Vic asked walking further into my room. I shook my head as I closed the empty suitcase; I toss it on the ground sliding under the bed,

“All done” I give a small simple smile. She sits at the end of the bed; I know she is worried about me even though I’m fine. Its not the first time I leave the house were I thought was my happy ending.

“Are you sure your okay?” she asks I chuckle knowing she was going to ask that.

“Yes, it was for the best.” I shrug.

After I left Anne and Harry in the room I had packed all my bags, it didn’t take long since I didn’t really unpack. I saw someone’s shadow out the door but they had walked away. I wondered if it was Harry. Once I had everything I went down stairs were I heard whispers. I looked to my side and saw Harry and Cindy having an argument. I didn’t say bye to anyone. I made it out the house without bumping into someone. I got in Vic’s car and drove away. Now I am here again just my baby and me.

“Liam’s coming over” Vic says, Ah Liam.

“And the boys” she groans making me laugh. They always make a mess in her house. Vic is always yelling not to throw stuff, to stop wetting the couches and spilling food all over. That was the fun part watching them bicker.  I walk back with her to the couch to wait for the boys.

Harry POV

Cindy glares at me. I roll my eyes pacing back and forth.

“Harry you cant let her get to us! Your mother knows! Maybe she will accept me!” she says with hope. I shake my head at her.

“I told you Cindy I don’t know what I want! I have been hurting her and now you. So I just need some time to think,” I explain. I want to clear my head, I know that I wanted this but I didn’t think it was going to be this hard. Me not knowing if I still had feelings her Melody was bugging me. I need to sort out my feelings.

“Harry please, what we have is special” Cindy grabs my face forcing me to look at her. I sigh trying to pull away. I hear a cackle and we both turn our heads. My mother stood there with her arms crossed at her chest and shaking her head.

“Special” she scoffs.

“What him and melody HAVE is special.” I look at Cindy who no longer looks venerable but angry and ready to attack. This was the side I hated about her.

“I haven’t properly introduced myself,” Cindy says in a bitchty tone. 

“You don’t need to dear you wont be here long” I crack a smile; my mother was so sassy sometimes.

“Actually” Cindy says,

“We are fixing this right Harry” she turns to me with a fake smile plastered on her face, I shake my head.

“Cin, I just told you what I want. You just aren’t listening.” She frowns.

“Harry we can’t”

“Actually” I say mimicking her.

“We can, this is over” I state. I see her face get red and she pouts. Storming off bumping harshly into me. I sigh as I hear the door slam. My mother stares at me.

“So Melody?” she asks hopeful.

“Mom I don’t know, the days she spent here just brought a bunch of memories.” 

“Well figure it out, soon” she points at me, I laugh,

“that’s what everyone is telling me I don’t know why.”

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