Chapter 3 i never stopped

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“You have to face him at some point” Victoria said while stuffing her mouth with ice cream. I roll my eyes sitting next to her with my own spoon, she pouted as I took some ice cream and I chuckled.

“Do you have any weird cravings?” she asked,

‘Not yet, mostly just ice cream and cake” she laughed.

“Well don’t hesitate on telling me.”

“Thank you vic, it honestly means a lot that you are helping me out with everything. I would ask one of the boys but that means running into him more”

“No worries Mel, what are best friends for” she smiles. We stayed on the couch watching random shows on T.V my mind kept wondering off to Harry. The look on his face when I told him about our baby there was so much emotion. I tried to shake off his face out of my mind. I glanced over at Vic who was asleep with her mouth wide opened. I softly laughed standing up covering her wit blanket that was on my lap. I went into the kitchen to see if we had more ice cream, none. I pouted checking the time on my phone. 7 pm, I grabbed my jacket and some money. I slowly crept out of the apartment, there was a small store at the end of the street I was having bad cravings. I walked along the streets, I was surprised to see other people walking too. as I was close to the store I see two men behind me, they have cameras in their hands and I sigh. I keep walking until I reach  the door of the store. I grab what I need and it turns out I was craving a lot of sweets. As I walk out the door my eyes are blinded by flashes.

“Melody! Melody! Over here!” I covered my eyes trying to walk past them, they kept taking pictures and followed me.

“hey!” I hear someone shout. I glance to my side to see Liam getting out of the Car,  Zayn behind him. I walk towards him and Zayn and Liam take me under there arms and lead me to the car. I hear more flashes if that was even possible, they opened the door for me and got in themselves. Liam drove off fast and I knew I was in for a lecture.

“Liam before you start I-“

“Nope, don’t want to hear it you are lucky we were coming to see you! lets start” he said, I knew he was going to lecture me. I looked back at Zayn and he shook his head.

“Not saving your ass this time” I stick my tongue out at him.

“First walking in the cold really! Second of all walking! Really! Third you are alone! You know the paps will be all over you trying to get some dirt hopefully they didn’t get any today.

“Liam I am okay, I just want to be able to do things on my own sometimes, I just forget I was married to harry styles”

“You are still technically married.” Zayn points out, I frown and Liam sends a glare at Zayn.

“How about you two come baby shopping with me!” I say trying to get Liam to stop being mad at me. Zayn grins nodding and Liam sighs.


“I should be asking you that, I know better than to make plans for you guys” I say looking out the window, they both sigh knowing I am right. Not once, not twice but 4 times I made plans with harry I set a time and place but he couldn’t make it. from then on I asked him to make the plans. At first it worked he would try to see me once a week while he was on tour but then the fighting began, the only thing I received was phone calls.

“Tomorrow at 7 I can pick you up” Liam said  I nodded

“Why were you coming to see me anyways?” I try to change the subject. Zayn coughs and Liam tenses up.

“Uh we have.. we have to go to a Music awards and well you have to with Harry” my mouth opens in an O shape. I sighed we both agreed not to tell the public so this was the consequence.

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