Chapter 23 The letter

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Dear, Harry

I came to london to study, I didn't know what to expect to be honest. I didn't even know I would make friends. I am thankful for those friends because without them I would have never gone to the club for my birthday. When I first met you I was completely drunk to the point where I didn't even know who you were. I was totally smitten with you. i fell for those brown curls of yours before I even knew your name. The way you stared at me with your green eyes just made me feel .. Made me feel like I was the only thing on your mind at that moment. You made me feel things that no one has ever made me feel. Your lips, hands, legs, jawline everything physical about you was perfect. In the beginning of our relationship everyone thought  I was using you. The hate, stress, rumors, At one point I couldn't take it anymore. I thought about breaking what ever we had at the time. but then you showed me. You showed me that you were more than just Harry Styles famous singer from One Direction. You showed me how kind, loving, caring , understanding, amazing , and wonderful you truly are. The way you laugh at the most ridiculous things. Your stupid tweets, the black and white pictures on your instagram.  Everything you showed me made me want to stay. It was an honor to be your red carpet date, to be your first non famous girl friend. It was an honor to be the first 'i love you' you'd ever said to a girl other than your mom or sister. To be honest I had never said I love you to any other guy either. You are my first love. I remember our first date. You took me to the library. You made a fort of books and Had a blanket down on the floor with some of my favorite candy. You opened up to me about your life, family, likings, dislikes and the boys. That day I fell in love without knowing. When you got down on one knee and asked me to marry you, everything was going in slow motion.  I think i was the happiest person on the planet. The day  I said ' I do' it felt like my life was complete.  I don't regret anything not even the fights. The first time I fought with you was the hardest day of my life. I felt betrayed, I know I stopped being fun at one point. I could have been a better wife. I know that now. I want to say sorry for that. I pushed you away without knowing, I'm Also sorry for keeping the first baby a secret. You are going to be a great dad Harry, a very embarrassing  dad at that. Our little girl is going to love you so much. I know she is going to turn out just as great as you. With my looks of course lets be honest I'm the hot one. With all this being said. I made up my mind last night. I saw the papers on the desk. I took them out and just stared at them. I got up slowly walking towards the front desk of the hospital. ( I got yelled at) I asked for a favor. That's when your mom picked me up and drove me to our lawyers office. I turned in the papers Harry. Unsigned.



End of the book ! The epilogue will be LONG !! Don't worry :)

Vine: All 1D imagines

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