Chapter 22 I think..

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Sorry! its been so long, I didnt have a laptop for awhile. but now i am back(:
please comment let me know what you think,
Also if someone could make a trailer for this book that would be great(:
Vine: All 1d Imagines

I opened my eyes slowly. I felt my cheek wet from the drool and I laughed a little. I looked to my side and saw Harry was already out of bed. I sighed throwing the covers over me and revealing my 9 month baby bump. It has been 3 months since I moved in, it was peaceful everything was just perfect. Sometimes it would feel like we were a real couple. Harry had been so calm, The baby was due any day now and Harry was handling it well. I tired to stand up but I couldn't, I tried to roll over but that didn't work. I grunted and looked up and sighed.
"Need a little help?" I turn my head and see Harry grinning at the door, I blushed nodding my head. He walked over extending his arms and reached for my hands.
"1...2....3" he said slowly pulling me up.
"Thank you" I smile at him I stand up slowly my back hurting. He just nodded his head.
"Get ready, I already made breakfast" he said tapping my knee and leaving the room. Today. Today was the day we would finalize the divorce. I bit my lip grabbing my shower supplies.


I walked down the stairs slowly, He was already sitting down eating. His eyes were focused on something, I could tell he was thinking. I sat across him, he stayed silent. I looked down at the plate filled with food. This was the last time he'd ever cook for me. He hadn't mentioned the divorce at all.
"You look beautiful," His voice soft yet harsh. I meet his eyes, his jaw was clenched.
"I- Thank you" I smiled, Harry complementing still caught me off guard. I tucked my hair behind my ear moving the hair out of my face so I could eat.
"You know after today I will still always love you Melody"
"Harry.." I say looking up at him.
"I know you love me too." He stands up walking towards the door.
"That's never going to change" he walks out slamming the door. I sighed. I ate my pancakes alone. I could hear Harry outside talking to someone on the phone. His voice was muffled but I could tell he was getting irritated. I picked up my plate threw it in the sink. I looked up and just took in the view, I would of course live here for another couple of months until the baby can get on an airplane but it would be different. Me and Harry would finally be divorced. Was I seconding guessing myself? Yes, Yes i was. We both love each other and we are having a baby. Some people might think we are crazy. But I can't forget all the fighting, argument, cindy and the kiss. I forgave him but I can't forget. I grab my purse and walk out the door. I see Harry leaning against the car, his head tilted back.
"Ready" I say, he looks at me and nods his head. He opens the car door for me I slowly make my way in the car and sit down. Harry quickly gets in staring the car. He takes a deep breath and starts to drive. It was dead silent in the car. I felt the tension between us. My mind wonders off to the past 3 months I've spent with Harry,


I Hold Harry's hand tight. My eyes covered with a blindfold,
"Are we almost there" I sigh, I hear Harry laugh
"yes," he said he had a surprise for me, he took me out for lunch and bought me a new dress that 'fit' the occasion, once we got in the car he blindfolded me, I joked with him saying not to fifty shades of grey me. His laugh was the best thing in this world.
"Okay ready"
"Ya" i say ripping the fold quickly, my eyes adjust to the light
"SURPRISE" My eyes widen when I see all of our friends there, i am truly shocked. The house was full out pink, baby shower decorations everywhere and the room was filled with balloons.
"Aw you guys" i said tearing up, they laughed.
"You know I get emotional easily now" I felt Harry pull me into a hug as i laughed and cried at the same time.
"You did all this for me?" I look up at Harry.
"All for you" He smiles, I smile back
"Harry" he leans his forehead on me.
"I love you" He softly says, a small gasp leaves my mouth.
"I love you."

End of Flashback.

I sit in front of our lawyers. I bite my lip I was getting nervous.
"Alright Now that we are all here." He starts to explain and read over what we agreed on. Harry nods and I just watch him. I get a small Pain in my stomach.
"You okay?" harry asks, I didn't notice i had made a face and a noise. I just smile a nod. The lawyer starts to talk again. I feel the Pain.
"ow" i say out loud. They all look at me.
"What" Harry stands up. I feel it again.
"Ow Ow Ow" I touch my stomach. Harry looks worried
"I think-" I feel water drip down my leg.
"Scratch that, I am in labor."

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