Chapter 19: divorce papers

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i am not sure how i feel about this chapter!

but anyways! i edited "I need a maid" so you should check it out!

also my Insta is: Http.jacobwhitesides (i post Harry pics too)

enjoy (:

feedback would be nice!!

Harry POV

I sat in the office shaking my leg up and down. It was almost 8 and she still wasn't here. It's been 2 weeks and I haven't talked or seen her. I wanted to reach out to her but I couldn't. I knew she wouldn't forgive me for what I did. I was an asshole and I knew it. Once she left the club I knew it was over, that I had messed it up. I left her in piece and from what Lou told me, she was happy. I hear the door behind me open I suck in a sharp breath.

"Sorry I'm late" She says, the therapist just nods his head smiling. I don't move but from the corner of my eye I see her sit beside me.

"Hi Harry" she speaks softly. I glance at her; she is wearing legging with a jersey from a TV company she sponsored a couple years ago. It was charity event the boys and I did one too. I smile at her

"Hi" she smiles back looking forward.

"All right I know I haven't seen you in awhile, I tried to give you space also I was out of the country for a couple of week" the therapist said. Melody and I just nodded understanding.

"Catch me up" I gulp. I had to own up for what I did.

"I- I asked Melody to try again" I feel her staring right at me.

"But I messed it up a 2 weeks ago"


"I kissed someone in front of her out of anger."

"Why were you angry"

"She had kept the baby a secret and I let my anger get to me." I scratch the back of my head. He wrote down what I said, glancing at Melody who was quite.

"So you know about the baby?" I nod

"How do you feel?"


I groan holding my head in my hands. I sit up slowly and feel something heavy on my stomach. I look down to see someone's arm. I look over to the other side of the bed Niall was still sleeping. I laugh lightly removing his hand and getting up. I walk out the door seeing Liam and Zayn on the floor while Louis was on the couch. They had crashed here I guess. I walked around the house trying to find Melody but no signs over her. I scratched the back of my neck and walked up to my room again. If Niall had slept in my bed where did Melody sleep? I was confused until I saw a small sheet of paper on the dresser. I picked it up and something shiny fell to the ground. I picked it up and it was a small key.

I hope you like the room at least; I hope I wasn't wrong about this.


I looked at the key; the first place to look was that room that no one ever let me go in. I walked out of the room again going towards the guest room. The key fit into the hole, I turned the knob and turn on the light of the room. My jaw dropped as I looked around the teal room. Everything from last night was suddenly coming back.

End of Flashback

"I had felt like an asshole" I say,

"I treated you badly, I am sorry" I turn to Melody and she smiles at me.

"It is what it is," she says making me chuckle.

"Is the divorce still on?" he asked. I looked at Melody who was now biting her lip. A deep sigh left her mouth.

"Yes" my heart sank down.


After the meeting I asked the therapist to leave us alone. Melody looked nervous about this. I was hurt, but I knew I had it coming I was right about her wanting to divorce me. This time it wasn't because of Cindy, or because I thought it was for the best, it was because I had messed up the only thing that kept me going all these years.


"Wait, before you say anything I want you to know I don't hate you, I am not mad at you and I will not keep you from seeing the baby. I want this divorce now, not because I stopped loving you but because." she stops to catch her breath.

"Because I cant forgive you. I tried I really did, but I couldn't all I could think of was you kissing that blonde chick then Cindy came to mind and" She sighs

"I just cant," silence fell over us, and she kept looking down at her hand.

"I understand Melody. I know what I did was unforgivable. And I didn't even try to get you back I just felt so defeated but tell me this, if I would have tried would you have forgiven me?" I ask.

"I don't know" she shrugs. I nod

"I actually wanted you to stay after to talk about the baby." I pull out a bag that I had under my seat. I look up at her to see the confused expression on her face. I start to blush when I take out the books from the bag.

"I- I checked out some books about babies, how to feed them, wash them, burp them, potty training but that's for later on" I say rambling off as I name the books I checked out. I hear her giggle and look up. My face was probably bright red. She walks over kissing my cheek.

"Thank you very much Mr. Styles they will come in handy," she says taking some books.

"You read those, I'll read these" she says I nod standing up putting the books back into the bag.

"Harry" I hum in responds.

"You're going to be a great dad" she smiles. I smile back.

"You're going to be a great mom"


I sit at the back of a restaurant with my lawyer. He checks his watch rolling his eyes. Melody was 20 minutes late. I asked her to come because the divorce papers changed. We had to agree on thing for the baby. I look around the restaurant until my eyes fall on her. I get up quickly motioning her toward the table. She smiles walking towards us holding her back.

"Sorry I am late, back was killing me and I didn't want to walk" she says taking a sit right away.

"Are you okay? Do I need to call the doctor? Hospital?" I ask. She laughs shaking her head no, I blush.

"Alright lets get started" my lawyer says.

"Melody, you have full custody of the baby-"

"Aurora" she cuts in, I smile my baby girl.

"Right you have full custody of Aurora but Harry can see her anytime he pleases?" he asks

"Ya he can come visit us anytime, if he wants to take her out all I ask is to get a heads up" she turns to me and I nod.

"What about tours?" I ask she smiles

"After she turns one you can fly her out where you like harry"

"With me included though" she adds. I nod.

"Alright, well I need you to sign here" she takes the pen and paper. She signs wherever she needs to then hand it to me.

"Oh one more thing"
"I need your address and phone." She bites her lip nervously.

"I'll be living in the states" she says, I looked at her shocked.

"What?" She nods her head.

"I'm moving back to the states harry"

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