Chapter 20: Interview

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i hope you guys like this

only about 5 chapter left of the book!

sorry for anymistakes ! 

Melody POV

I bit my lip as I watched the lawyer leave. Harry glared at the wall behind me, his jaw was clenched and fist was turning white. He was angry and I knew this would happen. I know he wouldn’t like the idea of me moving back to the states.

“Harry there isn’t anything left for me here,” I say trying to explain myself. He glanced at me, his green eyes pricing into my boring brown ones.

“I-“ he grunts slamming his hand on the table. I jump at his reaction.

“What about your job?” he asks.

“I asked them to help me find a school and they did.” I wasn’t going to work for a couple of months anyway. They were sad I was leaving but they helped either way. And what school would deny Harry Styles wife. 

“How long have you been planning this?” he asked hurt.

“This week actually, uh I haven’t picked a place to live just have a job and I’m leaving until the baby can fly, it’s too late for me to fly. So this is my last year in London” I say honestly.

“I want to buy you the place” my eyes widen.

“No harry, no way.” I shake my head.

“Yes! You are already leaving London because of me!” he stands up. I glance around and eyes are on Harry.

“Harry please calm down” I say, he shakes his head.


“You’re leaving me” he says, my heart sinks to my stomach. He shakes his head grabbing his jacket and storms off.


I stood awkwardly in front of Lou. She fixed my hair and hair sprayed it. I coughed making her laugh. She applied for blush on my face. I smiled at her when she said she was all done. I fixed my dress that should my baby bump nicely. I looked down at my feet and realized I couldn’t see them anymore. I laughed catching the attention of some of the people around. I blushed turning around bumping into Harry. He gave me a weak smile. We haven’t talked in 2 days. He called last night saying if I wanted to join in him an interview about the baby. At first I didn’t want to, I didn’t want to be judged but Louis convinced me saying it was a good idea.

“Ready?” he asked, I shrugged he intertwined our hands and lead me to the couch. The TV people came to Harry’s house to make it easier on me. To be honest I think Harry made them come here. I sat close to hear feeling nervous now. I never got interviewed.

“It’s going to be fine” he whispered in my ear, I nodded. A lady sat in front of us with a huge smile.

“Hello” she greeted harry got up extending his arm to shake her hand, he went around the room saying hi to everyone. I smiled nervously waving.

“So this is your first interview huh?” she asked.

“Ya pretty nervous” I admit. She laughed and looked down at the notes she had in her hand.

“So Harry, with a tour coming up how is this going to work?” she asked, Harry cleared his throat.

“Uh, well, it is going to be hard for sure. Uh as soon as I can put them both on an airplane I will.” He smiled.

Divorce (Harry Styles)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara