Chapter one

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trigger warning: There are mentions of divorce, miscarriage, and neglectful parenting in this story. Read at your own risk. 

"Dean sweetheart come here," Mary said to her almost four year old son. Dean had been happily playing with his stuffed squirrel but stopped once he heard his mother call for him. 

"Mommy what is it?" Dean asked as he ran to sit next to her on the couch. His eyes were so full of curiosity when Mary placed a hand on her stomach. 

"I have some news for you baby, you're going to be a big brother," Mary told him and Dean became very excited. He had always wanted someone to play with, but his parents wouldn't buy him a pet. So having a brother or sister was just as good. 

"Where is the baby?" Dean asked he wanted to see his new sibling already. Mary smiled and told him that the baby was inside her tummy. "Did you eat it?" Dean asked not sure how that was possible.

"No sweetie, he is there because of love," Mary explained trying not to laugh at her son's words. Dean then placed a hand on his mother's stomach and attempted to speak to his new sibling. 

"I can't wait to meet you, and I promise to always look after you," Dean said. Mary thought it was so sweet and was about to tell Dean that the baby didn't have ears yet. However then she felt the baby move as if it had heard Dean talking. She couldn't explain it but she felt that her new baby was attached to Dean already. 

"I think the baby likes your voice," Mary said with a smile. Dean's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. 

"Can we call the baby Sammy?" Dean asked he wanted to be the one to name his new sibling. 

"I don't see why not, if it's a boy it will be short for Samuel and if it's a girl it will be short for Samantha,"  Mary answered. Dean cheered and then hugged his mother, he couldn't wait to meet his brother or sister. He hoped Sammy was a boy, so that they could hang out all the time. Sammy quickly became Dean's favorite thing to talk about, no matter where he was. On his fourth birthday he wished for a brother, and claimed that he dreamt of Sammy every night. 

John and Mary thought that he was just overly excited, especially after they found out Sammy was a boy. But Dean did in fact see Sammy in his dreams every night. At first he just heard a voice and saw a dark shadow, but as Sammy developed each day. Dean saw more and more of his brother, in one of his dreams Dean asked Sammy a question. 

"When will I get to see you Sammy?" Dean asked. Sammy leaned against him in response and answered the question. 

"Soon big brother, very soon," Sammy said. "But I won't be able to talk or do anything I can do here, I will have to learn how to," he continued. Dean didn't understand that, why wouldn't Sammy be able to talk? 

"Why?" Dean asked. Sammy was about to answer but then the dream ended and Dean woke up. Something had happened Dean could feel it, he wasn't sure what but he knew it was bad. He ran downstairs from his room and saw his Mommy talking on the phone. She sounded angry and by her words it sounded like she was talking to Daddy. 

"Fine then don't bother coming back!" She screamed hanging up the phone and then proceeded to cry as she sat at the table. Dean ran to her and hugged her, he didn't want his mommy to be sad. 

"It's okay mommy I still love you," Dean said to her. "Sammy still loves you to," he continued. Mary wrapped her arms around her son and dreaded what she had to tell him. Last night she lost Sammy, she wasn't sure what happened. But she woke up in the middle of the night bleeding and when John had taken her to the hospital, the doctor said that her son wasn't there anymore. She cried for hours after hearing this and got into a bad argument with her husband on the drive back home. Demanding to know what she had done that killed the baby, but she claimed that she would never try and harm her child. After that John left the house and since then hadn't come back, and she really didn't want him to. If this event led to a divorce then she would happily raise Dean on her own. 

"I know baby, but there is something I have to tell you," Mary said finally answering her son. She choked on her words trying to figure out how to break the news to him softly. No matter what she said, it would still hurt him. 

"Did daddy hurt you?" Dean asked now concerned. Mary shook her head and her eyes welled up with tears again. 

"No but he is mad," Mary explained and when Dean asked why. She knew she couldn't delay the news any longer. "Because ..Sammy isn't coming," she said struggling to even get the words out. Dean gazed at her with a tearful expression. 

"What do you mean?" Dean asked seconds away from bursting into tears. "It it because of me? Does Sammy not love me anymore?" Dean asked now crying. 

"Oh sweetie no, Sammy loved you, he just got sick and couldn't get better," Mary said to him and she was crying now as well. The topic was still too fresh for her to discuss without crying, she had lost her son. Dean then cried like he never had before and claimed over and over again that he wanted his brother. 

Touched by an angelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें