Chapter eleven

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Four years later (the picture up top is the original cover and title for this fanfic)
Dean still struggled with nightmares and his overwhelming grief. Hunting was a distraction and he saved a ton of people while doing it. But at night he was still plagued with nightmares of Hell and Sam's death. Castiel had offered multiple times to help him, but Dean refused worried that he would lose his memories of Sam. He had come to trust the angel over the years, and he would go as far as to call them friends. But Dean still felt alone.

Sam left an empty hole in his heart and no matter what he tried, no one he knew or got to know could fill it. One night Dean woke up screaming as his recurring nightmare of being back on the rack woke him. Only this time Sam wasn't there to pull him out. He would crack and become a demon. As he sat down on his bed panting he remembered what he always told himself when this happened.
"Breathe living comes after, " he said and took a deep breath. Knowing he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, Dean got up and decided to take a walk.

The bunker was close to the woods, so he changed into another set of clothes and pulled his leather jacket on. He spotted the clock as he walked out and saw that it was 12 am. "At least I got a few hours in, " Dean said to himself. The samulet felt cold against his skin but it was only comfort these days. "Wish you were here little brother, " Dean said as he gently touched his amulet. The night air was cold even though spring was around the corner. The cool air calmed him and just when he thought everything would be okay. Someone or something hit him on the back of his head.

Dean fall unconscious instantly and his captor tied him with ropes and placed a bag over his head.
"Be careful what you wish for Winchester, " his captor whispered as she dragged the unconscious Dean to the dark center of the woods. Her eyes flashed a red color and she encountered serval other males and females with the same eye color.
"Ruby, did you fetch our guest?" A female demon asked. Ruby nodded and grinned.
"Of course Meg, I always deliver, where's your father?" Ruby asked.
"Probably on the hill I'll get him, " Meg responded and then walked off.

Azazel sat on top of the hill, a black cloak covering most of his body. His eyes were closed and he let out a breath of cold air.
"Father we're ready to begin, " Meg said from behind him and Azazel opened his eyes. Normally his eyes would be a bright gold but they were now blood red. Like all his followers, it was a blessing from their lord.
"I will be along shortly, " Azazel answered and Meg walked off. Azazel then stared into the night sky and used his powers to levitate a number of items.

"Our King guide me this night for it is beneath the full moon that our efforts begin, " he spoke with a voice full of loyalty few could match. He also had a voice that could inspire and spike fear. "Let me nearly be an asset until the deed is done, " he continued. The items in the air which were pieces of red armor and a black cape made their way onto the demon's body. "May your power be with for tonight you shall breathe and taste the cool night air for yourself, " he kept going.

The last piece of the uniform was an amulet with a Wiccan symbol and a shadow of the devil appeared briefly in the moonlight. "No longer will you be forced to share the body of a weak fool as you have in the past, for tonight you shall be your own being, and the tyrants of Heaven and earth shall fall, " he finished. The yellow-eyed demon made his way toward his followers and everywhere demons were standing by a large pentagram in the ground. Ruby, Meg, and her brother Raymond all also wore an amulet similar to his, but not the whole uniform. Only Azazel himself was allowed to wear it as he was the right-hand man of the king.

He would have done this years ago, to bring back his King, Lucifer. But that rotten Sam Winchester who was supposed to be the vessel for his king turned out to be an angel. And the tiny winged cherub almost killed him. He had been weakened for almost two decades until he finally got his powers back four years ago. All around him his fellow demons had small bowls of red powder and a few other unholy items. "How close are we Ruby?" Azazel asked as he approached the three demons, who were his second in command.
"The moon has reached its highest peak and as of right now it is officially Friday the 13th, on the night of a blood moon, " Ruby answered.

"Raymond the items?" Azazel asked his son.
"They haven't left my sight father, " Raymond answered.
"And has our guest arrived?" Azazel mockingly asked. He had ordered the kidnapping of Dean himself since he found out that the hunter was Michael's vessel. The archangel who defeated his lord all those years ago.
"Oh yeah he's awake now and he's totally freaking out, " Meg responded.
"Only because you told him that Raymond would cut his hand off if he tried to escape!" Ruby pointed out.
"Hey, it kept him from trying anything!" Meg yelled back.

"He can't even try anything, he's tied up and has a brace around his neck, " Raymond said. He was the only demon of the three that wasn't yelling.
"You have all done well, " Azazel said preventing any further arguing. "Raymond make sure we have all the items, Ruby you and Meg take to the high ground, we can't have any witnesses, " he ordered. After the three demons nodded and left to perform their tasks. Then Azazel made his way over to the tied-up Dean and pulled the bag off his head. To reveal the hunter's terrified eyes, it pleased the demon to see his captive this way.
"Let me go you demonic son of a bitch!" Dean yelled despite his fear.
"So glad you could join us tonight Dean Winchester, " Azazel said to him with a smile.

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