Chapter twenty nine

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Two months ago
Sam wasn't sure how long he had been asleep but when he awoke everything around him was black. The only thing he could see was himself, wait himself?
"What is this?" Sam asked wanting to know what kind of trick this was.
"Oh I'm just your friendly cosmic entity, they called me the empty, "
"What do you want from me?" Sam asked the empty who responded that it just wanted to sleep.
"No angel is supposed to awake here unless something awakes them, " the empty said.

"Alright so tell me what woke me up, " Sam responded and the empty showed him a vision of Dean getting kidnapped. He was older that much was clear but that didn't matter to Sam at the moment. He had to save his brother from those creatures. "Dean! Let me out so I can save him!" Sam demanded but the empty just gave him a look.
"Sorry, Samuel but I can't just send an angel back, " It responded.
"It's Sam and do it before I use my powers against you!" Sam screamed but the empty laughed and told him his powers wouldn't work here.

"You're dead Sam and that's not going to change, " the empty said to him and Sam turned his back on it. But before he could admit defeat an idea formed in his mind.
"What I make a deal with you?" Sam asked and the empty eye's perked up.
"What kind of deal?" It asked.
"You get to keep my grace and anything else you want if you send me back, " Sam explained and the empty liked the sound of the deal.
"Alright but you do know that without your grace you will shortly die, you can't survive without it, "
"That's what everyone has told me but I know it will just make me mortal, so do we have a deal or not?" Sam asked.

"Very well but I must warn you that you will return as a human spirit, " the empty explained. "You will be attached to the first body you find but have no memories of your past life, "
"Whatever I have to do I will do, " Sam defended he didn't care if he had to come back as a ghost. He would save his brother and then deal with his memory loss. The empty sent him back and took away Sam's grace. He appeared only as a sphere of blue light and had nobody, he saw the demons preparing some kind of ritual and all of them had red eyes.

He heard Azazel the demon he was so sure he killed give a speech about bringing Lucifer back and Sam realized he had to stop them. When the ritual began he jumped in and no one noticed because of everything else going on. It was painful extremely painful to have his body rebuild himself again but with not his grace. It was Lucifer's grace and he didn't like that. But then it all stopped and Sam forget everything, he hide inside a bush afraid of all the noise. Who was he and why was he here?

"Azazel what happened?" Ruby asked. "You said that the hunter would die not disappear, "
"I know that we have to find him, " Azazel ordered. "His death is the only way our king can become himself again, "
"I'll have every demon we have search for him sir, " Ruby responded.
"See that you do or I will send you back into the pit where Lilith can deal with you, " Azazel responded and Ruby grimaced but walked away. A little while later one of the guards told Azazel that he was being requested in the throne room.

Azazel wondered what his King wanted and was surprised when he entered and saw his king was not on his throne. But rather standing up with his back turned to him.
"My king you asked to see me?" Azazel asked but Sam had already sensed him. Since he had been the demon who gave Dean the blessing and was the reason this was all happening. Sam wanted to teach him a lesson, he used his abilities to make it look like his appearance hadn't changed. That way he could reveal his new look before taking the demon out.

"Oh yes Azazel come in, my sources tell me that you gave Dean the blessing without my knowledge, " Sam said to him. Azazel held his fear inside his throat because he didn't want his king to find out about it. "Do you deny it?" Sam asked.
"No my lord, " Azazel answered if his king wanted to torture him, he would be okay with that. Because that was the type of behavior he wanted from his king.
"So you admit to going behind my back?" Sam asked finally turning to look at the demon.
"It was for your own good my king..  " Azazel started but stopped when he felt a gun pointed at his back.

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