Chapter sixteen

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By the end of the day Charlie had bought out a total of fifteen outfits for Sam to wear, most of which were blue, plaid, or black,  and a few jackets to hide his wings. Dean had no idea how she was just such a quick shopper, but he learned a long time ago not to question Charlie. This girl could hack into anything and had managed to change her entire identity multiple times. Plus her love of things like Harry Potter, Star Wars, and other fandoms. Encouraged Dean to let loose and have a little fun, something he never got to do as a kid. Now came the hard part trying not to laugh as Charlie basically made Sam her model.

Sam was a bit shy at first and didn't like when he had to keep trying on different clothes. Dean found it adorable when Sam tried not to pount when Charlie handed him another outfit. Currently, Sam was wearing a hoodie over a worn-out grey shirt and jeans. The hoodie was uncomfortable and his wings were hurting. But still, Sam remained patient and settled on a black t-shirt, with a matching pair of jeans and the tan jacket.

"Am I done now?" Sam asked tired of trying on new outfits. Dean laughed he guessed even angels had their limits.
"But my montage, " Charlie said a bit upset that Sam wanted to stop.
"I think he's had enough modeling for one day, " Dean said standing up from his seat. "Besides I think we will keep the ones he liked, " he continued. "What do you say to Charlie buddy?" He asked Sam. The young angel said a quiet thank you before giving Charlie's leg a hug. Dean was surprised at the action and so was Charlie.

"You're very nice, I hope to see you again, " Charlie smiled and pated little Sam on the head. There was no way a kid as sweet as this was the devil, it just wasn't possible.
"I hope to see you again to Sam, " Charlie said to him. "Oh almost forget I've got one more thing for you, it's not from me though, Dean requested it, " she continued reaching into her bag and pulling out a small stuffed moose. Sam was immediately amazed and hugged the toy tightly. He had no idea what it was, but Sam loved it.
"Do you like it Sam?" Dean asked even though he already knew the answer.

"Yes it's so small and soft, what is it?" Sam asked still smiling.
"It's a moose, " Dean said. "Because you're a moose, " he joked.
"No you're a moose, " Sam responded laughing.
"Actually I think he's a squirrel, " Charlie said and all three of them laughed.
"Thank you De, " Sam exclaimed giving Dean a tight hug. Dean froze at the nickname but hugged Sam back. He was glad that Sam liked the toy, he told Charlie that he wanted Sam to have some kind of comfort. Since the kid often cried or got scared of being alone. So when she suggested a stuffed animal, he knew exactly which one Sam should have.

"Anytime Sammy, " Dean responded. It was a force of habit as whenever his brother called him that. Dean would of course call him Sammy. But his brother wasn't here anymore, he was still dead. Yet having this young angel who looked so much like him, nearly brought Dean to tears. But he refused to let them fall.
"Aww that's so sweet, I better go but call me if you need anything, and maybe have the kid meet your friends, " Charlie said as she walked out the door.
"Can I meet your friends Dean?" Sam asked still smiling. Dean laughed as he was getting more confident that Sam couldn't be Lucifer.
"Sure but first we must put these on, " Dean answered placing a pair of glasses on Sam's face.

Charlie had created these herself, it would hide the unnatural eye color and make his eyes appear brown. Now Sam looked like a regular kid, he complained about the glasses for a bit. But gave in to wearing them when Dean told him that the glasses were just a precaution. The rest of the day Sam encountered Dean's hunter friends and got along immediately with Bobby. Ellen thought he was straight-up adorable and Jo thought he was secretly Dean's son. After all those interactions Sam pretended to be tired and fell asleep in the back of the impala. He kept his moose close to him, he insisted that the toy be named Hope.

Dean watched from the driver's seat and wondered if the angel was actually sleeping or just pretending. Sam hadn't slept before but Sam also was an angel who ate food every day. So sleeping wouldn't surprise him too much. Only one problem really remained for him, how could he keep Sam a secret from the angels. It's not that he didn't trust them, he trusted them completely but he feared what they would do if they saw Sam. Would they lock him in a cage? Banish him to hell? He couldn't imagine that sweet little boy in one of those situations.

Meanwhile down in Hell Azazel was regrouping all his demon followers. The other princes of Hell and Lilith who was basically Lucifer's princess were disappointed in his failure. He had promised to return their lord to full glory, and he was keen on keeping that promise.
"Brothers and sisters I know it seems that our attempt has failed, but that weak angel can only delay us, " Azazel said to his followers.
"How we lost all our items?" One of the demons and Meg along with her brother Raymond called him out.

"You dare question my father's methods?" Meg asked. "Those tyrant angels don't stand a chance, " she continued.
"Enough!  we mustn't waste time bickering, " Azazel commanded. The demon bowed in apology. While Meg grundgely got back into her seat. "The angels still have no clue what we're up to, and our King can never completely be destroyed, " Azazel said and then a smile appeared on his face. "The spell must have been incomplete so our king is alive, but he has no memory of his identity, " he continued. "Ruby I want you to explore the human world for him, " he kept going.

Ruby bowed ready to spill human blood if she had to. "Meg I think you should meet up with your old boyfriend, " Azazel finished. Meg smiled at her father's request, it was no secret that at one point Castiel had shown some romantic affection towards Meg. He hid it well, but every demon knew about it. Originally Meg was hoping he would become fallen so they could be together, but Castiel remained loyal and refused to leave Heaven. But maybe she could stick her fingers in him again and this time he would pick her.

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