Chapter five

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Sam didn't pay much attention to Uriel's threat, he was just another angel. A powerful one no doubt, but still Sam wasn't going to show his fear of him. Nor was he going to let anything he said bother him, Sam already knew what he meant. Dean was mortal, and one day no matter what he did, Dean would die. Sam couldn't accept it though, he wouldn't share his brother with anyone, not even death. When that day came, either by old age or some other means.

Sam was going to bring Dean up to Heaven with him. That way they could be together forever and no one would be able to hurt his brother again.
"Hey I think I found us a case, " Dean said his words cutting through Sam's thoughts.
"What?" Sam asked blinking a few times.

"Come on Sam, stay in the real world please, " Dean said looking up from his computer. He had been engrossed into it ever since they got back, and John was now awake trying to treat his hangover headache.
"Sorry I was distracted, " Sam answered. "I'm listening now though, " he continued.
"That's like the second time you've had a weird episode like that, anything you want to talk about?" Dean asked. His older brother senses were still active and he knew when Sam was hiding something.

"No why the question?" Sam asked pretending to not know what he was talking about.
"Sammy you don't have to hide things for me, " Dean said to him. "You know you can always tell me anything," he continued. Sam wondered for a few minutes if should consider telling Dean the truth.
"Dean if you knew I was different, would you still love me?" Sam asked. He couldn't bring himself to find the right words. Dean looked at him with a confused expression and thought Sam was making a joke.

Only Dean could clearly see that wasn't the case because his little brother was close to tears.
"Of course why would you even ask that?" Dean asked. He had no idea where a question like that would even come from, and it scared him that Sam would even think such a thing.
"Just promise you will, " Sam said to him making Dean feel more concerned.
"Sam where is this coming from?" Dean asked instead of answering.
"Dean please you have to promise me, " Sam practically begged.
"I promise, " Dean finally said. Sam's odd behavior was really starting to scare him.

"What are you two going on about?" John asked stepping into the room holding his palm to his head.
"Nothing, " Sam lied. This conversation didn't concern their father. John wasn't even sober, Sam could smell the alcohol on his breath.
"Dean do you have anything to say?" John asked knowing that Sam told his brother everything.
"No sir, "  Dean answered forcing himself to not break a sweat. John narrowed his eyes in suspicion but let it go for the time being.

"Very well, anyway I have a job for both of you, " John said shoving a newspaper into Dean's hand. "A family was found dead inside their house, eyes completely burned out, " John explained.
"Any demonic omens nearby?" Dean asked immediately thinking that a demon was behind the attack.
"Possible but you two won't know until you check it out, " John answered. "Tell me what you find, I have someplace to be, " he continued walking past them so he could get to the door.
"Where are you going?" Sam asked just a little bit curious.
"Got lead on a nearby demon, hopefully, it's the one I'm looking for and I can kill it, " John answered.

The boys didn't get a chance to ask any more questions because their father left.
"He could at least say goodbye, " Sam complained. He would never be a fan of the way John treated them, but there wasn't much he could do to change it.
"Come on grumpy, we've got work to do, " Dean said playfully slapping Sam on the shoulder. Sam grumbled but didn't protest when Dean drove them to the family's house. John wasn't lying when he said their eyes were burnt out, all of the family members were past dead. Sam couldn't sense any faint demonic presence and Dean found no traces of sulfur.

"Anything on the emf?" Sam asked as they explored the house. They were lucky to have arrived before the place was closed off by the police.
"No, but that definitely uneases me, " Dean said pointing to a message on the wall written in blood. Sam shivered at the sight as he could read the message even though it was written in an ancient dialogue. I shall smite all sinners I come across until I get what I want. "Any idea what it means college boy?" Dean asked trying to lighten the mood.
"Someone wanted us to find this Dean, " Sam answered. He had a pretty good idea who was here, but he couldn't jump to a conclusion until he was 100 percent certain.

"Yeah but who?" Dean asked and before Sam could answer, the lights in the house flickered out, all-glass around them broke including the windows, and a loud ringing filled the room. To Dean, it sounded worse than nails on a chalkboard, but Sam wasn't phased by it because he recognized the sound of Castiel's voice.
"Dean!" Sam called out as he rushed to his brother's side.
"What was that?" Dean asked as soon as the ringing in his ears stopped. Seconds later Dean got his answer as the door to the house flung open, and a man in a trench coat walked in. Sam recognized him as Castiel who was inside a vessel, but he remained silent to avoid giving himself away.

"Who are you?" Dean asked completely shocked reaching for his gun.
"Castiel I'm an angel of the Lord, and your weapons won't work on me, " Castiel answered flinging the gun out of Dean's reach.
"An angel that's impossible, " Dean responded not believing him.
'Not as impossible as you think big brother, ' Sam thought to himself as he watched the two talk.
"That is your problem Dean, you have little faith, " Castiel said and a flash of light shone behind him showing his wings. Dean had to look away to avoid being blinded by the light.

"Why would an angel kill these people?" Dean asked almost angry.
"Dean enough, " Sam said finally speaking.
"These killings were done by another angel, he has gone rogue, " Castiel explained. "I have orders from Heaven to speak with you, " he continued.

Touched by an angelHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin