Chapter twenty eight

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Michael could feel that something terrible had happened to his vessel. It was like Dean's presence had gone completely cold and dark. He wasn't possessed that much Michael knew, Dean couldn't get possessed because of his anti-possession tattoo. But something bad had definitely happened, the archangel just wished he knew what it was.
"Brother I sense that something terrible had happened to Dean, " Castiel said to him.

The two of them were the only angels left on earth besides Lucifer and had to keep moving to avoid being seen by demons.
"I know I feel it as well, we must get Dean out of Hell, but we can't sneak up without being spotted, " Michael responded as he continued to work on his plan. He needed answers, Lucifer was back but he didn't look or act like Lucifer. He looked like Sam and cared more about humans than he did himself.  So he was going to talk to the only entity that could confirm his suspicions, the empty.

Since angels went there when they died, if Sam was still dead he would be in the empty. If not while then Michael knew why 'Lucifer' wasn't acting like himself.
"What are you doing?" Castiel asked.
"I am seeking answers about the only angel that can pull Dean from hell, " Michael answered and finished the ritual. The empty was summoned and it took the form of a young lady.
"You called?" The empty asked annoyed that it had awakened yet again.
"There's something we must discuss, " Michael said. "It concerns the angel, Samuel,"
"Oh, you mean Sam?" The empty asked.
"He's not here, "

Lucifer had locked himself away in his chambers and sat on his bed where his tear-soaked sheets lay. The only person who had ever seen the good in him had lost faith in him. "I'm ashamed of you, " those words kept repeating in the angel's head and it made his eyes flood with tears. This was all his fault he should have listened to Dean and choose to be good. Because all evil had brought him was pain, unbearable pain inside his chest. It was worse than the betrayals of his brothers, or any threat he had ever received. Dean had lost faith in him and now he was alone, left to sink lower into this sick twisted body and mind.

He wanted to be angry and force Dean to face consequences for his actions. Then he would make Dean love him once more but those thoughts were all pushed away do the event. This was what he deserved, he was the devil after all. But he didn't want to be Lucifer anymore, he wanted to turn back time to when he was Sam and Dean loved him. He heard voices from outside, it was obvious Ruby, Meg, and Raymond discussing how Dean was going to be hanged for his attempted murder. Lucifer couldn't let this happen he had to save Dean and make everything up to him. Even if he had to spend all eternity trying to earn his trust again.

Because of the blessing Dean didn't resist when Azazel handcuffed his hands and feet. A crowd of people was watching down below and they all gasped at the sight.
"Let this be a lesson to all who try and oppose the king, " Azazel said to the crowd with a grin. He was going to push Dean off the tower of the castle with a chain around his neck. He would be dead in seconds and the corruption to his king would be no more. Lucifer watched this from the window of his chambers and spotted something. Dean had red eyes, that wasn't right Dean had green eyes. Lucifer then realized that someone had done something to Dean and he had to save him.

"What in the name of my father are you talking about?" Castiel asked after hearing what the empty had said.
"I mean that Sam isn't here, he's been out for months now, " the empty responded. Wait was the empty really implying that Sam was alive again, did that mean?
"How did this happen and where is he?" Michael asked. The empty explained that Sam had been asleep in the empty for four years, but two months ago when Dean got kidnapped he woke up. The empty then spoke about how Sam begged it to let him go so he could save Dean from the demons.

"So you let him go?" Michael asked and the empty smirked.
"Not without a price, we made a deal if I sent him back then he would lose his grace," it said and then flipped its long hair.
"But Samuel couldn't survive without his grace, he was never born, " Castiel answered and then suddenly realized something. "We need to find Dean immediately, "
"Took you, boys, forever to realize it, can I go back to sleep now?" The empty asked and Michael agreed to let it go back to sleep.

"Dean Winchester, you're charged with the attempted murder of the king, do you deny it?" Azazel asked and Dean said nothing. "Hmm guess not goodbye, " he said giving Dean a push and he fell towards the ground. The crowd gasped and many looked away from the scene. Suddenly the sound of feathers was heard and Dean was saved by Lucifer before he could hit the ground. No, he was saved by Sam before he died, he flew fly away until the angel reached the bunker.
"Dean?" Sam asked as he undid the restraints on Dean and saw the red eyes of the blessing staring back at him.

"No what have they done to you?" Sam asked as he softly removed the chain and held Dean close to him. He had never moved so fast in his long life, but he had managed to save Dean.
"My lord you should have let me fall, it was my death that would have let you come to your senses, " Dean answered as if he was in some kind of trace. Sam had to remove the blessing, he didn't want that anywhere near Dean. It was meant for demons and to humans, it could be fatal.

"No Dean I wouldn't let you go, and please don't call me your lord, call me Sammy, " Sam pleaded to him. "Like you always have done, "
"But I can't you're Lucifer... "
"No I am not the devil and even if I am, I choose not to be, " Sam answered and tears rolled down his face. "You always believed I could be good, so I will no longer be the devil so before I leave this place I will be Sam, "
"I can't allow that my king, I must return you to your former glory, " Dean argued and explained how his death was the only option for it.

"Not because you gave me something better, you changed me, " Sam said to him. "And my last act will be to use my power to save you, " he continued and settled Dean on the ground so he could remove the blessing. He placed his hand on Dean's forehead and his eyes glowed. At first, they glowed red but as Sam continued to reach into Dean's head and remove the blessing, the glow became a gold color then a silver, and finally blue. Sam also changed as well his wings were no longer black, but white once again and his armor clothed had been replaced with attire similar to what Dean wore. "You will be alright Dean, you must be alright, " Sam said as he finished removing the blessing.

Dean's eyes flashed open and they were now back to his normal color. He had heard everything while he was unconscious from the process and upon gazing up at Sam and seeing him. Dean could only say one thing.
"I will be now that you have come back to me, " Sam almost cried but he forced the tears back.
"I was a threat to everything, to all life, and so many times you could have struck me down, why didn't you?" Sam asked because he had to know.
"How could I kill you, I only hunt down the monsters and creatures I hate, " Dean responded. "And I could never hate you, Sammy, you're my little brother and my son, and I love you, " he declared and at this point, Sam didn't care about holding back his tears anymore.

He embraced Dean as tightly as he could and covered him up with his wings. Where he cried onto Dean's shoulder while begging him for forgiveness. Dean hugged him back and told him that his actions were the result of Azazel and his demons. Not Sam himself, the hunter also explained how he had gotten the blessing in the first place.
"I tried to hurt you didn't I?" Dean asked wanting the answer to be no.
"It was the blessing Dean, not you, " Sam responded as he didn't want Dean blaming himself. But that didn't work and Dean began crying as well.

"It's my fault, I should have resisted, " Dean cried. "I'm sorry Sammy please forgive me, I'm not ashamed of you and I don't think you're a monster, " he continued. The two continued to stay like that until they both ran out of tears. Sam went up to go complete his task of saving everyone from him, but Dean refused to let him go. He would not lose Sam a third time.
"Dean please just let me do this, I don't want to be the devil anymore but I can't ever go back to being that kid you found, " Sam cried but Dean still protested no amount of words was going to change his mind.
"I won't let you do this Sam, you may hate yourself but I know you're good, " he said. "We just have to show the people that, "

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