Chapter nine

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Trigger warning mentions of graphic torture in this chapter. Skip through the first few paragraphs if that bothers you.
All Dean knew was pain, Uriel had dropped him to the bottom of a pit and left his dead body there. Then the angel dragged him down to hell where he experienced endless torture. Time had lost all meaning to him, and Dean wasn't even sure how long he had been down here. The white-eyed demon in front of him had chained him up to a rack.

"Let's have some fun, shall we Dean?" The demon asked and Dean said nothing. He had to stay strong, he couldn't let these demons break him. Or he would end up becoming one of them. "Hmm for a prisoner you're quite silent, but I can fix that, " the demon declared and picked up a scalpel from his tray of weapons. "Oh the name is Alistar by the way, and I'm going to be the only face you'll ever see, " the demon declared seconds before he drew the scalpel across Dean's wrists. Dean screamed in pain but Alistar was nowhere close to down, he used the scalpel to make cuts on Dean's face. Leaving trails of blood running down his body.

"Beg me for mercy!" Alistar yelled and he replaced the small knife for a large one and struck deep into Dean's flesh. The pain was unbearable but Dean refused to beg.
"N... Never, " Dean declared. This only made Alistar angry so he stuck the knife deeper into Dean. Drawing more blood and there was so much that it stained Dean's shirt.
"Pity you could have made this so much easier on yourself, " Alistar said as he placed the knife down and picked up a syringe. It was filled with a green liquid and Dean flinched briefly when it touched his arm.

"What is that?" Dean asked panting. His throat had become raw from all his screaming.
"You'll so see, " Alistar responded, and right as he said that the syringe took effect. Dean screamed as he felt like a hundred tiny bugs were climbing inside his body. It was only then that he called out for Sam. But he got no reply and Dean was hit with the cold reminder of what Uriel had told him. The crawling inside him continued and coughed up blood.
"Giving up already Dean Winchester, I thought you were supposed to be tough? I've had children last longer than you, " Alistar mocked. Finally, the crawling stopped and Dean coughed harshly.

However, the torture wasn't over the white-eyed demon continued to cut and carve at Dean until the entire rack itself was red with his blood.
"I really thought you would have lasted longer Dean, but now we've come to the end of the day, " Alistar said and twirled the scalpel near Dean's throat. "You can stop all this suffering if you start torturing others, " he offered but Dean told him to stick it where the sun shines. "Shame I guess we will have to keep going then, " the demon said and used the scalpel from earlier to slit Dean's throat. The demon then let Dean bleed out until he died and then he became whole again.

"In hell, you're sure that's where he took Dean?" Castiel asked after Sam had told him everything. The younger angel was beyond furious and was now out for Uriel's blood.
"Yes I know that's where he is, and I have to go there, " Sam answered.
"Hell is endless Sam, how are you going to find him?" Castiel asked.
"I will search for all entirety if I have to, no one is keeping me from my brother, " Sam declared. Castiel sighed in defeat knowing he couldn't talk Sam out of it.
"Go find him then, I will recover Dean's body and keep him from rotting, " Castiel said. Sam gave his friend a quick thanks before he flew off.

The young angel came across a crack in the ground and traveled down inside. Everywhere he looked people were being tortured on an endless loop, and it made him feel sick. Demons also ran around the place thinking that was an escaped prisoner, they tried to kill him. But he smote them with his angel powers.
"Quick alert the boss there's an angel in hell!" A demon yelled seconds before Sam killed him.
"Oh my gosh please don't kill me, " the demon who just watched his ally die.
"You a creature of no mercy, now plead for it?" He asked unconvinced by the demon's words.
"I'll do anything, just please don't kill me," the demon answered.

"Take me to Dean, " Sam responded with a firm tone. If this demon was lying he was dead. The demon gladly showed the way to the rack and ran off in fear. Sam saw his brother and his tormentor, without a second thought Sam tossed Alistar to the side with his grace. "Keep your filthy hands off my brother!" Sam demanded.
"An angel who did you get here?" Alistar asked in confusion. Sam gave him no answer because he killed the demon. Normally when he had to kill another supernatural creature he felt sorry for them. But this was different, Alistar was a demon and a death he would feel sorry for.

Sam ran to his brother and unchained him off the rack.
"Hey big brother, it's Sammy I'm sorry it took so long, " Sam said to him.
"Sammy I am dreaming? Uriel told me he had killed you?" Dean asked shaking with fear.
"He lied De I'm very much alive, and I promise your nightmare is over now, " Sam promised and pulled Dean out of Hell. The event left a red handprint on Dean's shoulder but he paid no mind to it.

Dean awoke in the ground back in his own body, and only managed to crawl out with the help of Sam and Castiel. Even so, all of their healing abilities wouldn't make Dean forget what happened. Hell was something that would haunt him until his grave.
"Dean I don't know what that demon did to you, but he can't you hurt anymore, " Sam said to him. Dean cried and collapsed into Sam's arms, making him look like the younger sibling instead of the older one.
"I'm sorry Sammy the things I said during our fight, I didn't mean any of them, " Dean sobbed.

"I know and I'm sorry to I should have told you the truth, " Sam answered as he held Dean close. When they were little he used to beg Dean to hold him like this, whenever he got scared. How the tides had turned, the moment didn't last long though as it was interrupted by Uriel.
"Such devotion it brings tears to my eyes, " he said with a smirk.
"Uriel!" Sam yelled in anger and stood blot up. "I'm going to make you pay for what you have done, " Sam promised as he stared down at the older angel.

"Earth has changed you, Samuel, besides you're still that little cherub who ran away because he needed a human to hold his hand, " Uriel mocked and pointed to the traumatized Dean in the corner.
"I am not so little anymore!" Sam declared and without warning, he attacked Uriel with his angel blade. And after three strikes of both of their blades, Sam stuck his blade through Uriel's chest. However before he died he hit Sam in the arm, leaving a blue mark.

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