Chapter twenty three

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"Dean you have to hear me out, " Castiel said. As he predicted the talk didn't go well and Dean refused to hand Sam over.
"No, I won't!" Dean yelled. He couldn't let Castiel punish Sam for things he had no memory or didn't even do. "I don't care if Sam is the devil, he's my little brother and my son, I won't let you send him to hell! "
"Dean I understand that you want to protect him, and I assure you I won't punish Sam, " Castiel explained. "I only wish to know what his intentions are, " he continued.

Dean turned away from his friend and silent tears ran down his face. Because now he was finally facing the fact that the young kid he had grown so close to, was really a reincarnated Lucifer. Sam was such a sweet kid and didn't want to hurt anyone. But Dean had to remember that before the devil was the devil, he was an angel. The most beautiful angel of them all, and God's favorite son.
"Please Cass, don't make me do this, I can't abandon him, " Dean pleaded.

"Dean we have been friends for a long time, and I know that you know I have to do what's best for humanity, " Castiel explained. "But I also know how close you have grown to the young angel, I promise you if the spell reveals he isn't Lucifer I will return to him, " he continued. "Then you never have to see me again, " he finished.
"What if he is?" Dean asked because he knew he had to ask. Castiel said nothing for a few minutes.
"Dean don't make say something you don't want to hear, " Castiel warned.
"Answer the question, Cass!" Dean demanded.
"Then I will still return him to you, I promise you that I won't punish Sam, " Castiel promised.

"Cass... " Dean began to say.
"Dean I have total faith that Sam isn't dangerous, but I need you to have faith in me, " Castiel said cutting Dean off.
"You know I do, I won't turn against you or Heaven, " Dean answered. "But I can't turn against Sam, he's not evil, " he continued. "Even if was once before, he's not anymore, he is good, " he kept going. "and I love him just like I loved my brother, " he finished.
Castiel gave his friend a saddened expression before he pressed two fingers to Dean's forehead. The hunter fell asleep instantly and Castiel whispered another apology to his friend. Then walked up the stairs where he encountered Sam in his room, playing with Hope.

"Dean you finally came!" Sam said rushing to the door. "Castiel wait where is Dean?" Sam asked realizing that he wasn't Dean.
"Hello young Sam, I've come to take you someplace safe, " Castiel explained.
"Safe?" Sam asked.
"All angels like yourself must be in heaven, so they can learn their abilities, " Castiel answered. "We're the protectors of humanity, but we must master our abilities at a young age, " he continued. Sam became very excited at the other angel's lies. He didn't realize what was about to happen, but as soon as Sam got downstairs, and saw Dean asleep on the floor.

He knew something was wrong, Dean had been awake not long ago.
"What happened to Dean?" Sam asked and Castiel didn't answer he still felt awful about having to separate these two. "No stay away from me, you hurt Dean like those wolves did! " Sam yelled. He tried to use his powers against Castiel but the older angel was fully grown, so he was no match.
"Come on Sam we have to go, " Castiel said.
"No, I don't want to go with you!" Sam yelled and the young angel rushed to Dean's side. "Wake up Dean, come on please wake up!" He begged.

Castiel once again felt saddened at seeing the expression on Sam's face. He was heartbroken an emotion the devil would never express over the loss of a human. But he needed to be sure.
"Sam we have to go, " Castiel said picking up Sam with his powers. The young angel thrashed, kicked, and screamed attempting to escape.
"No I won't leave Dean I need to save him!" Sam yelled. "I won't go with you, I don't want to!" He declared. The young angel's words only made Castiel feel worse, and Sam let out one final cry to Dean. One that shook Castiel down to his core.
"Daddy!" Sam cried out at the top of his lungs.

"I am so sorry Sam, " Castiel said as put Sam to asleep to avoid any further protests. They were only making Castiel feel worse, he met with Meg at the edge of the forest.
"Are you alright?" Meg asked noticing the distraught look on Castiel's face.
"No I am not, I have just separated a son from his father, " Castiel answered. Meg grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"I'm not into the whole mushy thing but it will be okay, " Meg said to him. Castiel understood and handed the asleep angel to Meg. "Thank you, Clarence, you've been most helpful, " Meg told him and her eyes flashes red.

Castiel took a step back realizing that he had been tricked, but before he could even grab Sam from Meg's arm. Two other demons grabbed onto him.
"Going somewhere feathers?" Raymond asked.
"Looks like I was wrong about you Meg, way to go, " Ruby praised.
"You lied to me!" Castiel accused but Meg only laughed at him.
"Hi I'm Meg and I'm a demon, it's what we do, " Meg replied. Then gave Castiel a kiss on the lips. "Don't worry Clarence, once I bring back my king you and I can be together, " she promised. "You said you would fall for me, and I want to see it happen, "

The demons knocked Castiel out and disappeared with Sam.
"Well done, " Azazel said once the three returned to Hell.
"We all played out part, what about Dean?" Ruby asked.
"Don't worry he will be taken care of, " Azazel responded. "Now let's get our King back, " he continued. The three brought Sam to a clearing similar to the one in the forest. The items weren't needed as they existed inside Sam, and with help from his fellow demons. They started the ritual once again and this time there were no interruptions.

"Look our King is almost half his size, soon he will be reborn, " Azazel praised as Sam grew larger and so did his wings. Eventually, his jacket ripped and his now large wings turned black. Sam's glasses fell off as he was much too big for them now, as he was 6'4 now. "It is nearly done, take your armor, my king, " Azazel said taking off the red armor and tossing it at Sam. The armor placed itself onto Sam's body and changed from red to a white suit. But it was only a disguise as his armor still remained. A red rose lay on his jacket, showing his fondness for the color.

Sam opened his eyes as the ritual ended and his thoughts were twisted up inside his head. He felt that he was taller now, no he had been this tall before, he remembered who he was. He was the devil and soon as he remembered that, he laughed but it wasn't a child-like laugh. It was sinister and he continued to do it.
"My Lord you have returned, " Azazel praised bowing to him.
"I'm aware of that you foul!" Lucifer scolded. "You should have done that ritual years ago, "

"Apologies my King, we had angel problems, " Ruby explained.
"No matter, now that I've returned the first thing I can take out my brother who betrayed me, " Lucifer declared. "Get ready my children, we're going to earth, " he continued.
"What shall we do with Dean Winchester my King?" Azazel asked hoping the answer was to kill him.
"Oh he was so good to me, he will be brought here, " Lucifer answered. "Where I can keep him from ever being used as Michael's sword.

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