Chapter twenty six

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Lucifer knew he should have been pleased with his work. The angels and Heaven were out of his way, his kingdom was now on earth, and he ruled over all humanity. Yet he still wasn't satisfied, all this destruction and power just didn't make him happy. He wasn't sure why, because there was a time where he would revel in all this sorrow. Why did he not feel that way now?

"Excuse me sir you have more human visitors, " Ruby said coming into his throne room.
"What do they want?" Lucifer asked, it wasn't often that his new subjects paid him a visit. Ruby explained that they all wanted an audience with him, to ask more questions. "Send them in, " he said after hearing her explanation. Her eyes flashed red as she bowed, and it had taken him about a day to ask why that was. Azazel had told him that every demon in hell who was loyal to him, was given the blessing. It was something he didn't quite understand, but what he had gathered. It was parts of his soul and knowledge that could easily be passed on. It kinda annoyed him because everywhere he looked some demon had red eyes, and he liked being the only being to have them. Plus the red eyes didn't look good on anyone, especially on Azazel. 

Lucifer was annoyed that all of his human visitors wanted something he didn't want. They wanted the angels back, they wanted fewer demons to be around, they wanted the fires of Hell to back underground. If the humans wanted Heaven back so badly, then that would mean they wanted him locked back in the cage.
Lucifer refused to grant those requests and was about to tell Ruby to close the castle gates. When a couple he somewhat recognized appeared in his throne room.

"Umm your highness, " the man said shaking a bit with fear and sadness.
"Please don't shake in my presence, what do you two wish to ask me?" He asked. He was expecting them to ask the same thing everyone else had asked and was ready to refuse. But their response surprised him.
"We were wondering if our daughter could home?" The woman asked trying to keep her tears from falling. Lucifer went speechless when he realized why they looked familiar, they were Jessica's parents.
"Your daughter?"  was all he could say.

"Yes, sir my little flower, I'm deeply sorry she came here unannounced, but we promise it won't happen again, " Jessica's mother answered. At this point, Lucifer almost wished they had asked him anything else because he hated the answer he had to give.
"I'm afraid that she can't, " he said and the inside of his heart crumbled. Some didn't even think he had one. But if they were right whatever that was there instead hurt inside his chest.
"Please sir she's didn't know what she was going, I had no idea she was even coming here!" Jessica's father begged.

Lucifer ordered Ruby to leave so she couldn't see the response he was going to give. Suffering like this used to please him now it only disgusted him.
"Believe me I say that I take no joy in punishing her, and she's extremely lucky I saw her before any of my guards did, " He answered. "I want to set her free but she has to learn that we can no longer be friends, " he continued.
"Please my king just let her come home, we won't let her bother you again, " Jessica's mother said to him through more tears.

"I will do all I can to convince my followers to release her, " Lucifer answered he couldn't watch them grieve like that anymore. "Come back shortly and she will be let go, " he continued. Azazel could die in a hole, Lucifer wasn't going to be heartless towards the humans anymore. He had done that for centuries and humanity only detested him for it. He thought for a long time that's what he wanted but now he wasn't sure.
"Thank you, my King, " they both exclaimed before leaving.

Lucifer then said he would have no more visitors and left his throne room, to go recollect his thoughts. That couple thanked him, no one had ever done that before. He walked past the dungeon and it was the first time he had been down there since his first day at the castle. Jessica, Sarah, and Barry were asleep but Dean was wide awake. He had a blanket around his shoulders but no injures were on his body.
"I trust that you've been treated well as I ordered, " Lucifer said surprising Dean who hadn't noticed he was there.

"Yes, they have, " Dean replied softly. He hadn't turned around because he was unsure what to say.
"That is good, it pleases me to hear that, " Lucifer responded. Dean finally turned around to face him.
"So you're happy then?" Dean asked because Lucifer didn't seem happy.
"I have everything I've ever wanted, why wouldn't I be happy?" Lucifer asked even though he knew he wasn't happy.
"Because I know you, Sammy, I know when you're happy and right now you're not," Dean responded.

"I already told you, Dean, I never was Sam, " Lucifer told him. But Dean wasn't going to give up on him, he knew that Sam was good. Maybe he was the devil the whole time but he wasn't that creature he hated anymore, and he could choose not to be that way. "And what do you know of my happiness Dean, would rather I'd be imprisoned in the cage? I thought you loved me! " Lucifer snapped.

"I know you're not evil, " Dean said to him. "Stop this now, I miss you, " he continued.
"It's too late for me, " Lucifer responded. No amount of apologies was going to fix the pain he had caused in his life.
"No you can still walk away from all this, and make your own choice, " Dean said to him.

"I never had a choice!" Lucifer snapped. "I'm the interaction of evil Dean, so I don't have a choice but to be evil, "
"Just because you are doesn't mean you have to be, it's your life, Sam, it's never too late to change, " Dean said to him. Lucifer remembered the time when he was Sam and the powers he had scared him. He even asked Dean if he was a monster. "I've never stopped loving you Sam, but what you're doing is wrong, you have to stop this, " he continued.
"I can't there's no hope for me Dean, " Lucifer answered.
"There's always hope, " Dean argued.
"Not for the devil, " Lucifer responded and he opened the door of the cage. "Tell the children they can leave, you however may not, "

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