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-pick up the damn phone!

billie send her millionth text to jade, who's phone is somehow either dead or off, which it's never of the two.

a substitute was needed for her for the rest of the day and it freaked billie out even more. what the hell is gonna happen to her if they found out? what about me?

it was so not supposed to go like this at all. "hey, bil!" zoe snaps billie out of her thoughts. "yeah, what?"

"i asked if you could help with this question." she reminds her.

billie nods and proceeds to help her friend with her work, trying not to be flooded with the horrible thoughts.

after a stomach churning forty five minutes passed and the dismissal bell finally rung, billie said her goodbyes to zoe, drew, and of course, the annoying vixen.

she grabbed her things and made her way to her girlfriend's classroom, letting out a sigh of relief when she saw it was empty.

she went to her desk, grabbing jade's coat, which was the only thing she left behind, and quickly brush past before anyone could ask questions.

"hey, isn't that miss klein's jacket?" rebekah, one of the few people billie despised in the school, asked.

"don't you have somewhere to be, maybe getting ready for your sugar daddy to pick you up?"

"he's not my sugar daddy!"

"mm, whatever. make sure vixen doesn't catch you sucking 'daddy's dick' again, alright? now move it, bitch."

billie rolled her eyes and pushed past her, getting on the bus that stopped right in front of her school.

19 stops later, billie found herself hesitating to knock on the door. she let out a breath, shaking her head, and knocking softly.

she raised an eyebrow when the door just slid open on its own. she walked in, locking the door and dropping her and jade's things on the floor.

"jade? are you here?" she called out, starting look around the big house.

she went to call her name again but paused when she spotted the redhead in the kitchen, staring blankly across at the wall.

"baby? are you okay?" billie approached jade, and slightly pushed the almost empty vodka bottle to the side.

"jay, come on, talk to me." billie scooted forward so she was sitting in jade's lap, so the two were face to face.

"come on, what is it?," billie kissed her forehead. "do they know? about us?"

"" jade croaked out, allowing billie to let out a huge sigh of relief, but now she had to figure out what the hell was wrong with her.

"okay, what's the problem? i'm listening, come on, baby."

"the um, cops who found chelsea the day she died and the coroner who did her autopsy were arrested last night."

"what? what do you mean?" billie shook her head, in confusion.

"chelsea didn't kill herself, billie. she was killed, someone shot her and the cops and that fucking coroner covered it up."

billie felt her heart break for the girl. "oh, i'm so sorry, my love."

jade just nodded and moved forward, with billie still in her lap, and grabbed her vodka bottle, taking another swig at it.

"so you've been here just... drinking?" billie whispered. jade looked down and nodded hesitantly.

"i was grieving her entirely the wrong way. i'm an idiot, aren't i?"

"no, no," billie shook her head. "not at all, baby. you're gonna get through this."

jade let her head drop in billie's chest, while billie wrapped her arms around her. "just let it all out. you're okay, i got you." she whispers as jade cried in her shirt.

jade was usually the level headed one in their relationship. sure, she had some sad shit in her life, but she had her shit together.

so billie knew that chelsea's, now murder, was opening up the wound jade worked so hard to close.

"i'm sorry i'm drinking; i know you don't like it." jade grumbled, her head still on billie's chest.

"you got nothing to apologize for, baby girl. just-- i think you've had enough for the day."

"yep, you're right. 'cause i feel sick now." she groaned. billie jumped out of her lap, allowing jade to stumble into the bathroom and dropped to her knees in front of the toilet before vomiting her guts up.

billie held her hair back as she threw up and lightly rubbed her back. "never let me drink again! my fuck g-, shit, it hurts."

"i know, i know. i'm sorry." billie told her soothingly. once jade decided to get up, billie helped her brush her teeth and got her a glass of water.

"no, i don't want this on. no..." jade fussed with her. "okay, okay. naked it is, then."

jade crawled into the bed, allowing billie to pull the blanket up to her neck. "oh shit!," jade rasped. "i forgot my coat in my classroom."

"don't you worry, doll. i got it for you." billie grinned down at her. "no one said anything?"

"well besides rebekah."

"oh her. she's annoying," jade shrugged. "please don't let vixen show me another video of her sucking some dude's dick."

billie laughed, shaking her head. "i won't. now sleep, you drunk baby."

"you not coming in?"

"oh no, i got homework to do. but i'll check in on you before i head home."

"no, don't leave. please? i don't want to be alone here. i know you're gonna have to lie to your parents again, i'm sorry."

"don't even apologize, you need me right now, i'll come up something. okay? now sleep." billie kissed her softly, cupping her cheek and she pulled away, pulling up the blankets again.

"thanks, chels." jade whispered, before billie could react to her being called the wrong name, jade was out.


A/n; so what did you think of this chapter and gimme some ideas to spice things up a lil.

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