Meeting them

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Jisoo POV

I turned around slowly as i guessed what have happened .The girls and boys were with fits of laughter , i knew they were laughing at me . As i turned around i saw him !KIM TAEHYUNG ! He was smirking one hand on his pocket and the other he was holding a empty milk bottle . "So it was milk" i thought .

Taehyung : Haha 😂 . Now you completely look like a trash can . He said laughing .

Jisoo : why did you do that? I asked him .even though i like him and scared of him , i still could manage myself to ask .

Taehyung : well i felt like you looked a little dry so , i poured water on you . But now you look like a dust bin . His words were like a knife that cutted my heart . I looked back at my friends and sister as i wfemt tears filling in my eyes . I could see that they couldn't move , cuz Taehyungs friends were holding them thight so they couldn't come and help me . Lisa gave me a worrued and caring expression .

I felt like i would brust any moment , his words were running on my mind again and again . He was going to say something but he got cutted off when someone said his name . His cold eyes turned to shinning eyes as he smiled and looked at Sana his girlfriend . Sana came skipping and hugged Taehyung and gave a peck on his cheek . Then her attention turned toward me . She looked at me with disgust .

Sana : Babe , what are you doing and why dies she lookes like she need some cleaning ?

Taehyung : well babe , i saw a trash can and i emptied the rotten milk to it . He said with a playful eyes

Sana : you have done a great job babe. Anyways can we go somewhere else i dont likethe stares of these weirdos .

Taehyung : yes we should go ,before the trash can explodes . He said looking at me his words always hurt more than his actions.

I couldn't hold on more , i dont wont to cry infront of everyone . So i ran away from the laughing people after i took a last look at my friends and ran outside . I stopped running . I went inside the girls bathroom , for my luck there wasn't anyone inside except for myself. I crying my heart out . I don't when will this billing stop , but for one thing my feelings for him won't change for my dismay 😩.

I cried and cried remembering what drama had happen in th cafeteria, I know that these kind of things happen to me often but it still hurts so much . I stopped crying , I whipped my tears away and washed my face , though I don't know what I should do to my hair , I washed it with water and dried it . I came out of the bathroom some girls were giving me a disgusting look , but I shrugged it off and went to my class .

The day was over finally ! I touched my hair , it is still sticky . I was waiting for my sister to come . We both wanted to go to our favourite cafe . I saw Lisa coming with Jennie . They said good bye to eachother and Jennie went to the other direction . My friends also left . Lisa walked to me she was going to ask me somthing when my phone rang . I looked at the caller it was our father .

I answered the call .

📞 On the phone

Jisoo : H-hello eoppa . I tryed my best not to sound like i cried

Dad ( namjoon) : Jisoo , can you and Lisa come home today little bit early .

Jisoo : yeah eoppa , but is there any problem .

Dad : no no . Its that , one of my old friends and his family , are coming and i want you and Lisa to meet them .

Jisoo : oh okay eoppa . Then we will come home not wasting time .

Arrange married to my bully ( Vsoo ft Liskook ) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora