Mindset 31: For You

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You are one of those strong and awesome person I've ever met today

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You are one of those strong and awesome person I've ever met today.

Lucky me then?

You know, we are still engaged in battles and will recover from it as soon as possible! You are aware that life is difficult, right? We will always face problems in life no matter what the situation. However, there is plenty of HOPE and LIGHT in LIFE to cling on.

Just carry your journey around with you like a rosary that is loaded with mysteries to reveal. After these trying moments, you can be a beacon of hope for others and keep fighting.

We can do this together, right? YEAH. WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER.

For you;

I guess this question came into your mind multiple times: "Is everything going to be alright and will be at my side in the future?"

Who knows, the answer in this question is in your hands already! You just have to push and reach it with your efforts!


Hey You! Take the future with you as though it were a priceless treasure!


Hey YOU! Take the future with you as though it were a crimson rose with lovely, alluring petals.


Hey YOU! As you hug your loved ones, for whom you would give your life, take YOUR tomorrow and future with you.


Hey You! Be FREE, be FEARLESS and be YOU.

Sometimes the problem isn't you, it's the people. The society. Nevertheless, the decision to waste time considering them is ultimately yours. You know, life is full of options and decisions; make the ones that will make you happy and free yourself.

Like LOVING YOURSELF, TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF and BEING HAPPY are the main essential in your life before the sake of the others.

MENTAL HEALTH is wealth. So are you, buddy! Keep that in mind.

In here, you are loved. In here, I understand you. In here, you are accepted because I care for you. Whoever you are. Where you came from, I'm always open to understand you.

Seek for happiness. Breathe. Pray. Keep going. Free yourself in the chain of sadness and fears. When it happens, choose now to take care of yourself and be a survivor of life's challenges.

Be there. Let's meet there. Long live. I hope you live happily and choose what's the best for you.

-Always here for you,

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