Chapter 14

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Emma really didn't need to deal with him right then. Well, of course, she technically did, but Jake wasn't supposed to be there, of all places. He had harassed her all throughout her junior year of high school, and she thanked god when he'd suddenly vanished over summer break after she'd dumped him. She'd thought that he had moved away with his family, but to know that he was taken by the kin almost made her feel bad for him... almost. Knowing that it was only going to get worse, she aimed a right hook straight for his nose when he leaned back to catch his breath. The bastard had always known how to fight, unfortunately, and easily caught her fist with a cocky smirk on his handsome face.

"Tsk. I wouldn't do that if I were you. We're expected at the party any moment," he said with a hint of humor in his voice.

Emma blinked, confused and more than a bit worried.

"What?" she asked, unable to keep the surprise from her words. He quickly caught onto it, making his grin stretch even farther.

"We're the main attraction tonight, Emma. Madam loves my looks and personality, and she wants babies... and I want you to make them with me."

While Jake might look like a model in the making with his dirty blond hair, bright blue eyes, and six foot height, she couldn't keep her face from morphing into a sneer of disgust as she finally understood. Widow had been sent by Madam to capture her for Jake.

Would Widow have done it if he had known all of the details?

Clenching her jaw, Emma forced the thought aside and aimed a punch at him with her other hand. It was caught, of course, but then Jake pinned both of her hands above her head. She jerked her body, trying to break his hold and even brought her knee up to see if she could land the obvious hit between his legs, but he shifted easily to accommodate for her struggling and brought his own knee up to stop hers without even bothering to look down. Livid, she growled and pressed her head back against the wall as he leaned in to try to steal another kiss.

"Bastard. You think I'm just going to roll over for you? I'd rather Widow have me long before you do!" she hissed the words, baring her teeth in frustration. Jake wisely stopped trying to get another kiss, his lips mere inches from hers.

"You're talking about that hunter that Madam took? You don't even know his damn name."

She bristled at his words.

Black. Widow was just his nickname.

"His name is Black," she stated defiantly. "But you don't deserve to use it, because sadly, he's a much better man than you will ever be."

Jake eyed her for a moment, then shrugged. Obviously, he didn't care about her jabs. He'd finally gotten the prize he'd been waiting for.

"Anyway, Madam will be calling for us any moment, so come on."

He released her hands, and Emma promptly moved to land a slap across his face. He blocked it easily, but instead of restraining her against the wall again, he tucked her arm in his just like Legs had done previously.

"I suggest you behave, or you're going to be tied up like your worthless crush."

If he's so worthless, then why did you compliment his hunting skills?

Instead of speaking her mind, she bit her lips to keep them shut. She knew a smart mouth wouldn't get anyone very far with a kin, or a crazy stalker like Jake. Grudgingly, she let him lead her back into the main cavern with their arms linked like a normal, happy couple.

"Where is she keeping Widow?" she asked after a few moments had passed, silently noting that the screaming had completely stopped and felt her stomach twist with what she might see when they stepped back into the giant room.

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