Chapter 12

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Emma's blood froze in her veins when she heard Madam accept what was offered to her, not the other woman. This time, however, when Madam stalked toward them, she didn't look down. She watched her move, taking in her tall, sleek form. She looked as smooth as a snake, but the outline of muscle just beneath each minute flex of her arms told her that there was definitely a reason she was in charge besides her venom and height. Emma's gaze moved down her arms, and she noted black nail polish on thin, long fingers before dropping even farther. She was wearing a long, bright red dress with a slit close to her left thigh, showing off extremely long legs that had to easily put her over six feet tall.

Any normal guy would be begging at her feet just to touch those long legs or even be in her presence. Yet... she had seen Widow's face right before Madam had stopped next to her and pushed her back, breaking her contact with him and blocking her view.

He's terrified.

"Come here, sweetie. I'm so sorry I missed your beautiful dance," Madam cooed as she reached down to lift Widow up without much visible effort.

Emma thought that he'd hesitate, considering his face after they'd both accepted his dance, but he climbed into her arms willingly, then began licking at her neck with his eyes closed, much like a preening cat.


Madam turned then, giving everyone Widow's back since she was holding him against her chest... with one arm.

Talk about strong.

Her gaze ran over Emma, a slight hint of surprise passing her stoic expression before she brought her attention to Legs and Goliath.

"She needs a little more training, but I suppose that can wait until later. I need to go make sure my little Widow is comfortable during the event tonight. I still expect the human girl to be there... Legs?"

He stepped forward immediately, bowing his head. The gesture brought his silver hair down against his right cheek to shadow half of his face.

"You shall take her tonight," she ordered.

"Understood, Madam," he answered without hesitation.

Her gaze moved back over to Emma, their eyes meeting even though she knew that it wasn't a good idea. Madam walked toward her, only needing two steps to close the distance and tower over her much smaller frame.

"Stay still. There is a little problem on your shoulder that I don't need killing you just yet," she said as she reached forward at the same time Emma looked down to see Fuzz cowering closer to her neck. She quickly reached up and grabbed the small arachnid, then promptly put it down the top of her dress. It wasn't the smartest thing she'd ever done, for a second time as of late. She knew Madam intended to either kill him immediately or take him and likely be the cause of his death later when was done with Widow, but she couldn't just let Fuzz die after losing his best friend.

The look on Madam's face as her perfectly tended dark red eyebrows rose into her hairline made Emma awkwardly take a step back. The taller woman made a move to run her fingers through her own hair, but stopped when they touched the large bun artfully crafted atop her head.

"You are an odd one, Legs?" Madam said, her voice clipped.

He took a step closer and nodded. "Yes, Madam?"

Her calculating gaze cut to him but returned to Emma within a moment. "Remove that spider, and if the dress is ready, which it looks to be, please make your way to the grand hall by the end of the hour."

Legs and Goliath both nodded, but Emma just glared as Madam looked her over one last time, then jumped from the ledge, Widow in her arms.


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