Chapter 5

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"Widow?" Emma whispered, her voice almost inaudible over the noise of the rushing water in the other pools, or the blood in her ears. He likely hadn't heard her because he didn't even reprimand her for not calling him Master. That, or he was just too scared to move his attention away from the approaching women, which didn't make an ounce of sense to her.

It has to be the women, though. I can't understand why, but I'm sure I'll find out in the next few minutes.

Emma looked back over at them and narrowed her eyes. She grabbed her pants and bra from the edge of the pool after a moment and brought them back into the water, making sure to keep her attention on the women as she got dressed. The air was extremely tense, but it felt like everything was backward. Widow had said that the males and females bathed separately to prevent rapes... but Widow didn't look like he wanted to touch them with a ten-foot pole!

The second was dressed she got out of the water next to where Widow had moved. She stood there for only a moment before he started backing up, matching the women's steps forward with his own reverse ones. Emma couldn't really figure out what he was intending to do, but she stayed by his side. He'd said that going near the current pool was a bad idea, yet that was the only place he could back up toward since two of the women, a brunette and a blond, were coming around from the other side as a black-haired woman along with a redhead came from the front.

Okay, this is definitely not good.

When she and Widow got to the edge of the rushing water, the women paused, all of them about four feet away. Emma somehow had gotten in between the redhead and her friend, which they seemed to think was quite entertaining since they both grinned, their gazes roaming up and down her soaked body.

"Is this the human Madam had requested, little Widow?" the black-haired woman asked calmly.

Emma could sense Widow tensing behind her, but to her surprise he managed to get a reply out without letting his voice shake, even though everyone in the room could see that he was terrified.

"Yes," he responded as the red-haired woman turned her attention to Emma for a long moment as she ran her blood-red fingernails along her chin.


Before Emma could even react, the woman was behind her, then a second later, she sauntered around to her front before making another full circle. It unsettled her to know that she was so fast, but Emma kept her shoulders straight and forced her fists to unclench until the woman stopped in front of her once more, one finger reaching out to lift her chin slightly.

"I must say, you do not disappoint."

Emma heard Widow take a deep breath behind her, then reply in his normal scratchy voice, seemingly getting a little bit more comfortable with the situation. "I take my job very seriously."

"Hm, indeed. Mellesa... look at his eyes," the black-haired woman purred as she walked forward and leaned closer to look at him over Emma's shoulder. The redhead was quick to join and actually shoved Emma out of the way with one hand, which seemed to barely even touch her. She managed to regain her balance quickly and turned right as the two women on Widow's left lunged and grabbed his arms.

"What are you doing?" Emma shouted, startled by their boldness. They completely ignored her, leaving her alone to watch as Mellesa, the redhead, leaned right into Widow's face with a smirk.

"What gorgeous webs you are developing."

His breathing immediately picked up at her words, and when the woman tried to lick at his cheek, he completely freaked out. His fangs extended to pinpoints as he began snapping and struggling, threatening the two women in front of him while trying fruitlessly to get free of the other two.

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