Chapter 17

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A faint brush against her forehead began to tug Emma from her sleep. She hadn't meant to pass out, but she couldn't argue that she'd definitely needed the rest. It took her several moments before she could force her heavy eyelids open to see who was there.

Widow? He's dressed now. Someone must have dropped some jeans and a T-shirt off for him at some point.

His fingers paused in her soft hair when he noticed that her eyes were open. Removing his hand, he offered her a small smile before reaching over to the nightstand separating the beds and grabbing a take-out container. The smell coming from it had her sitting up quickly, her empty stomach eager for a real meal.

"I fed Salem and Foster before waking you. They both went back to sleep a few minutes ago," he said quietly, making Emma smile as she took the container from him.

"Thank you. I appreciate it," Emma replied as she popped open the lid of the container and took a deep breath. "It smells like heaven."

It was a pasta and pesto dish with some chicken and vegetables. It smelled like the best thing on Earth and she didn't hesitate to dig into it. She ate several bites before coming up for air and looking at Widow, who sat beside her on the bed. He had a small container that looks like a large juice box in his hand, but instead of some dorky cartoon or picture of fruit on the packaging, it was all gray. When she looked up from the box, she noticed Widow grinning at her around the straw he had between his lips.

"Do I want to know what's in that?" she asked before taking another bite of her own food and beginning to chew. In all honesty, she was curious, but not enough so to actually try it.

Widow sipped at the drink for several moments before swallowing and releasing the straw. Licking his lips, he reached over and took a small piece of chicken from her meal and held it up between them.

"It's the same thing you're eating, but a little more... deconstructed," He rasped at the same time Emma leaned over and took the piece of chicken he was holding between her teeth, then straightened to chew and swallow.

"I see."

Suddenly, she felt a little self-conscious about her little stunt. Wanting to push past the embarrassing moment, she quickly forked another bite into her mouth and chewed. It wasn't until she swallowed again that Widow decided to respond. She expected it to be mocking, but when he reached over and picked up another piece of chicken and smiled, Emma blinked, confused. When he lifted it to her lips, she realized what he was hinting at.

You're adorable.

Holding back her own smile, she let her lips part just enough for Widow to slip the little piece of food through. She chewed slowly, savoring the flavor as her eyes lifted to his. Neither of them looked away, even though she was still hungry. It felt like her gaze was stuck in the remaining tendrils of the disappearing webs in his eyes. Her heart slowly rose to her throat as she noticed Widow inch closer and tilt his head. She licked her own lips and leaned in right as the sound of the door opening met her ears. Eyes going wide, she quickly leaned back as Widow growled while turning to face the two kin who were walking inside.

Legs stopped near the foot of the bed the two boys were still fast asleep in and raised an eyebrow at Emma and Widow.

"Judging from the color on your face, might I suggest not trying to investigate Widow's mouth with your own anytime soon. You know that he is venomous, and even with the caps on his teeth, there have been no studies as to how long his saliva carries the toxin," he said as he lowered his eyes to the half-eaten meal in her lap.

"Finish eating what you wish, then you two will be coming with us. The council has requested a meeting with the both of you."

Emma frowned as she nudged at her food with her fork, then looked back up at Legs. "What's going on?" she asked, nervous about meeting more kin. She'd had her fill already, if she was being honest.

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