Chapter 4

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Emma's eyes widened as she watched the shadowed outline of the two men drop to the floor and begin to writhe, their screams echoing off the walls. She knew that she needed to turn away but couldn't move.

"Hey," Widow whispered as she felt his warm palm press against the side of her face, then slowly turn her head back to face him. She hadn't realized that her body was shaking badly until he moved his hand to her neck and gently guided her down so that her chin rested on his shoulder.

They remained that way until the screams died down, leaving behind only the sound of their quiet breathing and the faint scratches of scurrying spiders. She finally managed to calm down enough to lean away a little, her eyes narrowing trying to see Widow better in the darkness.

"Are you feeling alright? You should get to a doctor," she said as she carefully backed out of his loose arms. When they dropped to his sides limply, Emma gasped and leaned forward again, pressing a hand to his forehead as the other found the weak pulse in his neck.

"Don't worry. I've already sent some of my spiders to get Goliath," Widow rasped, then hunched forward and coughed harshly.

I'm not a fan of your choice of help, but being picky now would be stupid.

"Is there anything I can do?" she asked, wondering if he was anything like the vampires she'd read about in some of her favorite books.

"Do you need blood?"

The abrupt coughing laugh that Widow released in response had Emma frowning and sitting back on her heels.

"No need to laugh," she grumbled right before she felt a couple of his warm fingertips press against her cheek.

"If I drank from you, you would die a most painful death."

Oh. So he really is more spider than fictional vampire.

"On second thought, I'd rather keep my insides solid," she mumbled, drawing another quiet chuckle from him before she heard a sound coming from far below.

Inching her way to the edge, Emma glanced over it just in time to see Goliath emerge from the darkness.

"Aha, I see that pretty girl Widow caught up there, buddy," Goliath said, his deep voice easily echoing off of the cavern walls up to her.

Emma quickly returned to Widow's side, waiting there until she saw Goliath's massive form climb over the ledge.

"Hey there, little miss," he said as Emma watched something large, but blurry in the darkness, scurry down from his shoulder.

Has to be Catch. I really don't like the fact that he's here, but at least I'm too drained to really be afraid of him right now.

She felt it tap on her left hand and just stood up, not bothering with the giant spider. "Can you get him help?" she asked, worry in her voice.

Goliath reached over and patted her head, then leaned down and easily lifted Widow over one shoulder. "I can, but I need you to hold Catch for me in order to get you both down," he said, making Emma frown down at the large spider now tapping at her foot.

"The longer I take the more pain Widow is going to endure while you stand there contemplating my request," he said, making Emma shake off her worry. He was right. Catch was just a big spider, and if she remembered correctly, his kind weren't even venomous.

If anything, it's just a bite. You'll live, but Widow might not.

With her mind settled, Emma knelt down and quickly but carefully picked up Catch, then set him on her shoulder before turning to look up at Goliath.

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