Chapter 18

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Anticipation stirred just beneath her skin as Emma took Widow's proffered hand and began walking beside him, following Legs. She couldn't tamp down her worry as they walked down the long hall, not stopping until they got to the farthest room and legs reached for the handle of the only door she could see on the floor that was actually made out of wood. Holding it open for them to walk inside, Emma and Widow glanced at each other once, then entered. They headed down another short hallway before entering through a normal office with painted walls and another regular door.

A conference room.

Emma eyed the two kin she'd seen earlier, Valaria and Meros, plus several others sitting behind a long, curved desk with five chairs settled within its arch. With a single gesture toward the five seats, Legs strode forward and took the only empty chair at the far left end of the dark brown table.

Time for the trial, I guess. Emma groaned inwardly and followed Widow over. She was about to sit next to him when she saw her brother scramble from the chair he'd been practically hidden in due to its size, and run into her arms.

"Salem!" she exclaimed as she hugged him tightly.

I'm so glad they brought you up here.

Salem gave her a smile, making Emma sigh with relief and tug him against her for one more hug before he squirmed out of her arms. She watched as he scrambled back up into the chair he'd been sitting in and began to quietly kick his feet over the edge.

I guess he understands that he needs to behave for this.

Valaria started speaking as Emma took her seat between Widow and her little brother. The woman seemed like the head of the group as she was sitting directly in the middle of the concave table and she commanded attention with just the tone of her voice and her posture. "Hello again, Widow. Emma." She gave them both a slight nod, ignoring Salem. Emma returned the gesture, but Widow just remained still. His attention appeared to be split, though by what, she wasn't sure.

"We have decided to possibly stay your execution, Widow, in exchange for information," Valaria said, getting straight to the point.

It was obvious that she was talking specifically to him, her eyes fastened to his narrowing ones, so Emma kept her mouth closed and just focused on the conversation.

"What sort of information do you want?" Widow replied, his tone controlled, showing little emotion. As he spoke, he lifted his right leg and crossed its ankle over his left knee, then tilted his head slightly.

Valaria let a hint of a smile slip from her lips before she schooled her features once more.

"What is the colony's weakness? What will kill most of them the fastest?"

Emma winced, but Widow remained still, the only movement from him being his calm breathing as he exhaled a quiet breath. It was clear that he was thinking and the group of kin waited silently until he had decided on what to say.

"Water. Most, if not all, cannot swim."

Meros, the other kin they had met earlier, nodded. "I figured that. It was either going to be fire or water."

They are general weaknesses? The information was good to know, though she didn't intend on drowning anymore kin... but she wondered what they meant by fire. Even people could be drowned or burned, but she was curious how it specifically affected kin.

"Um, when you say fire, do you just mean you would set the caves on fire?" Emma asked, hoping the simple question would make them elaborate.

All eyes turned to her but she made sure to sit up straight and not look nervous. Meros was the one to answer as one of his silver eyebrows rose a slight amount. "Many types of kin are very... flammable. Have you seen any kin smoking in the caves Widow brought you to?"

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