Epiphany: Reality

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Epiphany: Reality

Part 2 of 2

Taehyung's POV

Everything in my surroundings is a blur. I don't know if it's because of my tears or because my mind can't keep up with the fact that my eyes saw a flat line on my husband's electrocardiogram. As I choke on my sobs, I watch the doctor and the nurses flock on my unconscious and unresponsive husband.

"Oh God, please no! Please!" I keep on muttering to myself. I can feel my hands turning cold and my body trembling in so much fear. The fear is gripping my heart very tightly and I feel like I'm going to be insane.

I stood frozen while watching the medical staff try to revive Jungkook. "Jungkook, please come back! Don't leave me! I can't... I can't take it! Please!" I desperately pleaded, wishing with all my heart and soul that Jungkook will open his eyes once more.

"I'm sorry," the doctor turned to me.

I looked at him in horror, dreading the next words that will leave his mouth. When he announced Jungkook's time of death, I feel like my whole world collapsed and all the heavy debris crushed me entirely. All the noise deafened and my mind turned blank as I continued to refuse to accept the horrible news. When I saw the doctor trying to revive Jungkook, I felt like I was on the edge of a deadly cliff. Now that my nightmare materialized, I feel like an invisible force pushed me and made me fall on the cliff. And now I feel like I'm drowning, life being sucked out of my body.

"N-Not true!" I could barely hear my own voice. "Not true! He's n-not dead!"

The doctor and nurses gave me sympathetic looks but that's not what I need from them! I need them to bring my husband back to me!

"Stop standing around!" I hysterically screamed, pulling on the sleeve of the doctor's white coat. "D-Do your job! Bring my husband back to me! Go! Please!"

"W-We already did what we can Mr. Jeon."

I shook my head fervently. "No! No! If that's true then he should be awake now! Please doctor, b-bring him back! Don't you understand?! I-I can't lose him! H-He can't be gone so wake him up! Doctor please!" I screamed as I feel all my strength escape me. I slowly sunk on the floor, my cries and screams echoing in the room but could never reach the person I love the most.

"Jung..kook... J-Jung...kook!"

"Hey! Hey, wake up! WAKE UP!"

Startled and disoriented, I jolted awake. I was panting for air and my heart is beating as though it is in some race. My eyes may have opened already but my mind couldn't register my surroundings. My mind's vision is still fixed on that dream that feels so fucking real.

Was it really just a dream?

It feels so real.

Even the indescribable pain is still reverberating in my entire body. The fear is still enveloping my entire being and my Lord, my hands are trembling!

"H-Hyung? Are you okay?"

My eyes darted to my side where the voice had come from. A pair of hazel eyes stared worriedly at me.

"G-Gyu..." I managed to choke out. I pressed my eyes close and tried to regain my grip on reality by shaking my head. It took a few seconds before I finally convinced myself that the death scene was just a dream.

"Hyung, are you okay? It must have been an intense nightmare," Beomgyu, my younger brother, said while trying to wipe the beads of sweat on my forehead. "You were shouting and thrashing. It's like you were possessed."

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