Space Between (Part 5)

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Third Person's POV

Losing someone permanently and in the most awful way can bring unimaginable amount of pain. You can never get over it no matter how many years pass. The pain lessens and it subsides but it is never gone for even just a tinge, somewhere in the corner of your heart, you will still long for them to return.

Just as the person you lost is gone permanently, the pain is also permanent. But eventually, you will learn how to battle the pain and keep it at bay that it doesn't interfere with your daily life anymore. You learn and you fight the pain because you chose to continue your life. Besides, you have your memories still with you.

At first, these memories are like your worst enemies for they keep reminding you of the past... the past that you wish could be recreated in the present and future but cannot. Memories that are reminder of your greatest wish... your greatest wish that you know for a fact will never come true. But sooner or later, you will realize that these memories aren't really your enemies but your friends.

Yes, they are your friends because even though they are hurtful once remembered, they are also reminders of the wonderful person you were so blessed to meet. They remind you that once upon a time, you had wonderful memories with an amazing person and these moments can never be stolen from you. Yes, memories are our friends in this case. After all, they're yours to keep forever... even when you can't keep the person in them.

Jeon Jungkook learned this the hard way. He thought that after that surreal final moments with Kim Taehyung, everything will already fall into place and become dandy. That's what the movies show after all... once a dramatic scene like that happened, the next scene will be all rainbows and butterflies already. Sadly though, that's not how it works in real life. 

After the revelation of the cause of Taehyung's demise, things got more horrible. Taehyung's parents got divorced and it was extremely painful for Mr. Kim's part for he did not only lose a wife but also a child and that happened while he was still mourning for the loss of his other child. In just two months, he had lost three people that meant the world to him.

Seokjin was also devastated. To find out that it was his own beloved mother's fault that he lost is dear brother brought inexplicable pain. The image of their perfect family shattered into a million pieces in his mind. He felt so betrayed by his mother and he hated himself for not knowing – for not realizing his brother's pain. Needless to say, even after how many years, Seokjin has never learned to forgive his mother.

"I'll only forgive you if you can bring my brother back. My innocent brother whose life you turned to a living hell! My brother who didn't deserve to suffer like that! Bring him back and maybe... I could at least look at you in the eye without seeing a demon." Those were Seokjin's last words to his mother for he never spoke to her ever again after that confrontation.

As for Jungkook, he kept all his promises to his love. He refocused on his dance club and eventually succeeded Hoseok as captain after Hoseok graduated. Jungkook even became friends with Jimin who was his rival at the beginning. Jungkook also graduated with flying colors and became a successful solo performing artist.

With his looks, talent, and fame... a lot of people fawned over him. He and his hyungs even had a conversation about it once.

"This is crazy, man! I wish girls would flock like this to me as well," Jimin commented, his eyes on his phone.

"What is it?" Namjoon, whom Jungkook met in the company, asked curiously.

"There are ship wars in Twitter! Jungkook is trending right now. This is ridiculous," Jimin answered, chortling.

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