Chapter 5

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We entered the elevator together and she pressed the kitchen level. I looked over at her confused since I was going to my room.

"You haven't eaten since this morning plus I made you some pasta." She explained

"Oh alright thank you"

We walked into the common room and saw Clint and Peter playing video games. They paused the game and looked up when they saw you come in.

"Hey Y/N how are you feeling." Clint asks

"Fine" I reply

"Where just going to get her some food." Nat informs him

With that they turn back to their game and Nat and I go into the kitchen. She opens the fridge and puts out a small amount of food. Nat wasn't bad at cooking. I just can't and probably will never eat that much. I didn't think anyone would notice. The less I sleep the less I eat. I just don't need that much energy.

"I noticed that you don't usually eat a lot let alone at all so I didn't make you that much." Nat explains

"Alright thank you"

She heated up my food for me while I sat there watching. It finished and she put it in front of me. I ate in silence while she just watched the boys play and scream at their game. When I finished I cleaned my dish and walked over to them. I sat down beside Peter when he switched out with Nat.

I liked Peter. He likes to talk a lot and since I don't he makes up the bulk of the conversation and lets me just listen. I don't think anyone saw me sitting there because he didn't look at me or start talking. None of them did which wasn't unusual as I was always very quiet.

"Nat where'd Y/N go" Clint asked while still facing the game.

"Idk probably back to her room. She spends most of her time in there." she replies

"Yea that makes sense. Do you know what her room looks like?" Clint questions

"What why do you want to know that."

"I would just look climb the vents but she blocked them off. Cant see or hear into her room." Yea of course I did. You act like a crazed monkey when you want to know something and I don't want you to know what happens in there. I think to myself.

"That is a little weird. Come to think of it I haven't even seen in there let alone been in there" Nat says confused.

I was just sitting there silently watching them. Peter must have finally noticed that I was there because he looked over and shrieked when he saw me. His shriek alerted Nat and Clint. Nat immediately picked up her gun as Clint looked ready to fight. Game forgotten. When they saw it was just me looking innocently at them calmly they immediately relaxed.

"Oh hey Y/N didn't see you there." Clint said relieved that I wasn't hydra or something.

"Clearly " I say. They both looked surprised at what I'd said but I got more sleep than I have in weeks in one day so I was kinda more relaxed.

"Did you hear what we were talking about" Clint asks siting down on the couch after turning off the game.

"No shit I was sitting right here." They all looked even more confused but I could tell that Nat gave them a 'don't question it' look.

"So when can we see your room" Nat asks.

"Nope." I say while popping the p. "Never" With that I get up and walk over to the elevator. Walking in leaving them there speechless at my abnormal behavior.

I walked down to my room and sighed knowing it was going to be a long night.

Clint POV

Hearing Peter scream scared the shit out of me. Nat immediately grabbed her gun and I just get ready to fight. We turned and there was Y/N looking unfaced and innocent. Relief and guilt washed over me knowing that she was sitting right there while we talked about her.

"Oh hey Y/N. I didn't see you there." I say relaxing

"Clearly" When she said that my eyes widened a bit. She never uses sarcasm. She barely speaks in the first place. We continued to talk for like 30 seconds before she left.

I turned to Peter who had been sitting there quietly for a while.

"You didn't think to tell us she was there listening Peter." I say

"I didn't hear her come in" he said defensively

"Even with your Spidey sense"

"Yes even with my sixth sense" Peter says ignoring my comment.

Nat was weirdly silent during this but I decided to ask her about it later. We went back to our game. We then watched a movie with Sam and Tony coming in later to watch with us. We all went to bed around 9 after talking a little.

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The Insomniac// Avengers FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang