Chapter 18

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Y/N was getting boxes for some reason. She told the cashier that it was for a friend so she is either mailing it to D.C. or she is giving Wanda or me a gift. The first box was a jewelry display case and the second one was a bracelet box. I don't know any of the boys who wear jewelry so I'm assuming it's for one of us.

She fell asleep on the ride back and looked a lot different from when I saw her sleeping before. It was morning then and she looked like she was sleeping but seeing her sleep now made me think that she was fake sleeping before. Or that she had a totally different way of sleeping when in a car.

I don't think that she was very comfortable because she kept moving around. I think Wanda must have noticed as well because she moved Y/N so that she was lying down on Wanda's lap. Y/N snuggled into Wanda's lap and I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. I didn't know why since Wanda was like Y/N's best friends but it still hurt.

We got back and Y/N was still asleep. I took Y/N from Wanda so that Wanda could float the bags into the house. From the sudden change of lying down to standing up Y/N started to move. I stopped walking thinking she was waking up but she just snuggled into me more as I carried her with her legs around my waist and her face snuggled into my neck.

We walked in at 4:30 to see the boys sitting around the T.V. watching some baseball game. They had chips and candy and were split onto two couches. I just walked past them behind Wanda as we walked to our floor. No one seemed to notice our return.

We walked into the elevator with the bags floating in a mist of red around us. We got off on our floor and I asked Wanda to just put Y/Ns stuff on her desk in her room.

I waked in and tried to put Y/N on her bed but as soon as I tried to lower her onto the bed she gripped my shirt tighter and whimpered. I stood back up and sat down on her bed getting comfortable. Wanda came in after putting her bags in her own room and saw me sitting against the headboard of her bed with Y/N attached to me.

"You two sure look comfy" She said with a smirk

"I tried to put her down but she just grabbed my shirt tighter the more I tried whimpering." I explained

"Well we can watch some T.V. while you're attached to her." Wanda suggests

"Sure, let's go to your room. I don't know which one of these buttons on her remote makes the T.V. come out." I say as I get off her bed.

I walked out of her room with her in my arms and into Wanda's. She put on some old sitcoms that she liked as I sat down with my back resting on the headboard. Making sure that Y/N was still asleep and comfortable in her position.


I woke up wrapped in someone's arms. I had slept for. Wait, hold on, I slept. Nice. I still hadn't opened my eyes but I could hear people talking in the room. Probably the T.V. I was still in someone's arms and I had no idea why.

I moved my head to the side and felt someone pat my back. I had no idea who. I inhaled and smelled the familiar scent of gunpowder and Russian candies. I was lying on Nat. Hold up what. I am lying on Nat.

I sit up, slowly moving the hair out of my face. Nat is smiling at me and I smile back. I look around and see that we are in what I'm assuming is Wanda's room because of the organization stuff on the desk and how organized and neat the room itself is.

"Hey" Nat said softly

"Who are you saying- oh hey Y/N. Did you sleep well?"

"Mmhm what time is it?" I ask. I was still sleepy and snuggled back into Nat's chest but repositioned myself so I could see the T.V.

"It's 6:45. You slept for around 5 hours. Are you awake because Stark said that you had to do the IQ test." Nat replied.

"I'll do it later." I mumble as I start to drift off again. It was weird because I had never slept so peacefully for so long. Or been able to sleep when I was tired. I don't know what changed.

Wanda un paused the T.V. and I slowly drifted off to sleep. Feeling so warm and safe where I was.


She quickly went back to sleep after postponing the IQ test. I was getting hungry but I knew that I wouldn't be able to let her go so I got up with her attached to me. My hands positioned themselves to have one under her bottom and one on her back holding her to me.

"Where are you going?" Wanda asked when she saw me get up.

"I'm hungry but Y/N is attached to me so I'm going to go get something to eat downstairs." I say as I leave her room.

When I got downstairs the boys were watching a different sports game and were deeply enthralled in it. The volume was really loud and they were yelling so I turned back and got some noise cancelling headphones from my room and put them on Y/N's ears.

I came back downstairs. I managed to get the remote off the floor, where it probably fell, and turned off the T.V. There was silence for about 0.25 seconds before there was anarchy. People were yelling at me as I walked off with the remote in my hand. I made sure that JARVIS would not turn on the T.V. until I said they could.

The boys talked in the living room before Clint and Tony came into the kitchen. They probably chose those two because I wouldn't instantly kill them.

"Why did you turn off the T.V." Clint asked calmly.

"What why on earth is Y/N in your arms with headphones on." Tony asks, finally having noticed the sleeping person I was holding.

"Y/N fell asleep on the drive back. She would not let go of me after we arrived at the tower. She woke up like 10 minutes ago and fell back asleep and again won't let me go. I was hungry so I came down here to order some pizza for Y/N, Wanda and I. I turned off the T.V. because it was at an incredibly high volume and you were all yelling. She has headphones on because they are noise cancelling and she doesn't need the noise of all these people." I say calmly while getting my phone from the counter.

"We can put the volume lower and be quiet just please turn on the T.V." Clint pleads

"Alright, JARVIS allow the boys T.V. access" I say

"As you wish Miss Romanoff" The AI says as he puts the T.V back on for the boys.

Clint and Tony run back in and go back to watching whatever they were watching. As promised the T.V. was at a much more reasonable volume and they were no longer shouting at the T.V.

I ordered two large and one small cheese pizzas for all of us. Since Y/N didn't eat much there would probably be extras. I sat down beside Clint on the couch waiting for the pizza to arrive.

When it came I got Sam, who was not happy to leave the room just to help me after I threatened him, and told him to help carry the boxes upstairs to Wanda's room. She was still sitting in the same spot watching The Dick Van Dike Show.

When she smelled the pizza she got them from Sam who happily ran back to the elevator to get back to his game. I sat down on the bed and moved Y/N a little. I shook her a little after taking the headphones off her head. She needed to wake up so that she could eat.

She woke up and moved off of me blushing a little as she saw the pizza. Wanda had already distributed the pizza so she took the small box that was in front of her.

We ate as we watched and had a pretty good time just chilling and enjoying each other's company. Y/N was talking more and I was glad that she was becoming more comfortable with us.

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