Chapter 23

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Third Person POV

The next couple weeks were pretty good. Y/N got the cast taken off the next day and could talk days after. Natasha did a wonderful job taking care of her. Always making sure she had her pain medication on time and making sure she was as comfortable as could be.

The only time Natasha left her alone was when she went to bed and with the pain medication she actually slept.

She was still in the wheelchair but with her advanced healing she should be out in a couple hours. The oxygen mask was now gone and most of the pain medication was not needed anymore.

They had put off the press conference and revealing since she was injured but now that she was better it was planned for the following week.

Fury came to visit last week. Y/N still had the mask on and almost had a stroke. You could see the pure anger on his face when Stark told him what happened. He remained calm in front of Y/N but the second they had a meeting and she wasn't there you could practically hear how much he yelled.


The press conference was coming up and I was not excited in the least. It was a bunch of people shouting questions at me while I awkwardly sat there.

I would be out of the wheelchair today so I would need to get used to walking after a week of sitting down.

Nat and I already went shopping and I was just going to wear one of those dresses I got earlier. I would be in the middle between Nat and Tony so all attention would be on me. YAY.

I was in the med bay with Nat sitting beside me. I was sitting up in bed ready to start moving again. The nurse was on my other side ready to catch me just in case I fell.

"You ready Y/N?" Nat asked

"Yes I am tired of sitting down all day" I say

I scorched over to the side of the bed that Nat was on. She held my hands as I put my feet on the floor. She supported some of my weight so my legs didn't collapse under me. I took one step forward then two. Soon I did not need Nat to help me and I was walking. Slower than I used to but still walking.

I walked out into the hall with Nat behind me after talking to the nurse. It took a while for me to get to the elevator but Nat was patient and walked beside me. The elevator had a railing inside it so I didn't have to fully support myself.

We exited the elevator on the living room and kitchen floor. It was just after lunch so most people were still here. I sat down on one of the couches, beside Pietro. He was playing, and losing, a game of Mario Kart against Peter

"Hey Y/N you're out of the wheelchair." Pietro says after giving Clint the controller so he could have a turn.

"Yea. I gotta re-learn how to walk before the press conference." I say stretching my legs out.

"Speaking of which, we need to have a rehearsal in a couple days so that Y/N knows what to do. Don't wear your actual outfits. I want to be surprised." Tony says. Always had a flare for the dramatic.

I nod my head in confirmation as I stand up. I slowly walk over to the kitchen and back. I do this a couple more times before I sit down again. I relax for about 5 minutes before repeating the movement.

I do this a couple times and when I'm about to get up for the fourth time Sam shouts out. "Can you please stop pacing back and forth. If you want something from the kitchen just get it."

"I'm sorry Sam. I'll stop." I say sitting down

With the attack on the tower and being alone when it happened my mind was starting to run. I could feel my anxiety slowly rising while I was sitting down. Walking was giving my mind something else to focus on but now I was left with my thoughts.

It soon became too much and I stood up. I didn't want anyone in the tower to be mad about my constant pacing so I walked over to the elevator. I needed to clear my head and a walk in central park will do just that.

Sorry its shorter. Wanted to post something and couldn't think of many things. New part soon.

770 Words

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