Chapter 22

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Nat and I sat there for a while in silence. I don't know why I told her all that without a second thought. Especially since I haven't told anyone but Morgan about her existence in the first place. I don't know, I am just so comfortable when I'm with her for some reason.

We sat like that for about half an hour before she broke the silence.

"Tony said that since you were very advanced in training and wouldn't need to train as much, we would introduce you to the public in a couple weeks."

"Ok." I reply in a quiet voice.

"I have to go help Steve with training. Are you ok if I leave you here alone for a while?" Nat asks getting up

"Yea I'm ok" I say, smiling.

She leaves and I sit at my desk to do some work. I may have only gone on a couple small missions but I said I would help some of the others with their paperwork.

----------------------Time Skip----------------------

Third person POV

A loud crash could be heard all over the base. It was just after noon the next day and the Avengers were doing a surprise attack on a HYDRA base just outside of New York.

Y/N wasn't considered an Avenger as of yet so she was left at the tower alone. Where it was supposedly safe for her.

She was sitting in the living room switching through the channels when she stopped. She moved her feet to the ground as she had a wave of uneasiness come over her.

She didn't know what was happening but knew from extensive training to almost never ignore a bad feeling. Especially when you are alone. She silently crouched down so that she was under the coffee table. Producing two daggers as she went.

"JARVIS turn of the lights and put the tower on lockdown mode" She said

"Who did that" could be faintly heard by an unknown voice on this floor.

"It wasn't me." Another replied

One of your eyes was glowing blue while the other was glowing red. With this you could see the figures of around 15 men. All heavily armed. They were in the kitchen making their way over to where you were.

You quickly threw one of the knives at what looked like the strongest of the men. The knife went straight to the heart, sputtering blood all over the room. 'Great if I get out of this Stark is going to kill me for getting blood on his new carpet.' I thought

With the obvious noise the man made falling to the floor the others launched themselves at me. How they could see me so well in the dark I have no idea but I guess they had heat sensing goggles or something like that.

They charged themselves at me all at once. I was throwing and producing dagger after dagger. I laced most of them with heat so they would burn whoever was hit with ice and fire. Most of them were down in seconds. Especially since I hit what looked like their leader so they were kind of scattered.

I was hit with only minimal blows. There was an open gash on my thigh and another on my arm but nothing extreme. As I was stabbing what I thought was the last one Another one came behind me and cocked his gun. I turned around moments before he shot and dogged as best I could.

I threw a dagger at him just as he pulled the trigger. With the knife in his chest he missed my heart but still managed to hit me. Square in the chest. I knew that it had probably hit one of my lungs with the way it hurt to breathe. I tried my best to freeze around the bullet so that I wouldn't bleed out before medical staff could come.

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