Chapter 16

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Wanda POV

I sat in the back of the car beside Y/N. I didn't really like sitting in the front plus I wanted to get to know Y/N better. She brought out her iPad from her mini backpack as well as an apple pen. I couldn't really see what she was doing without seeming too obvious but from what I gathered she was drawing a little box and some circles. I also saw her writing notes beside each thing she drew.

Last time I tried to get into her head was the first time we met. It was at dinner and I had tried multiple times to get in. I just couldn't. She would look up at me every time I tried and would send through her mind, "Please stop trying to get in here because chances are I will feel it and stop you."

She was the first person to ever stop me. She was new so I didn't want her to be mad at me from the beginning so I stopped. Now was the perfect time to try again. We were going to be stuck in this car for around 1-2 hours with nowhere for her to go if she happens to get mad.

I looked in her head as my eyes went red. I was in an empty room with just me and a door that was locked. I walked over to the door and tried to get it open. The more I tried the harder it would lock until someone tapped me on the shoulder making me turn around.

Y/n was standing behind me with a smile on her face. She was wearing this nice dress that I had never seen her wear but was definitely not what she was wearing when we got into the car.

(Dress at the top.)

"Wanda, we already talked about this. You need to stop trying to get inside my head." She says softly

"I know, but I want to get to know you better and whenever I ask you any questions about yourself you change the subject or redirect the conversation." I say sadly

"Well come on then. We can go on a magical ride inside my mind. I'll go get Nat." she says.

I was about to ask her what she meant but she was already gone. I just stood in the room not really knowing what I was supposed to do when Y/N came back with a very confused Nat.

"One, what are we all doing here? Two, how did I get here? And three am I still driving because Stark will literally kill us if we crash his car."

"One we are here to take a journey through time as it were. Two I brought you here and three you are still in a normal physical state. Technically none of us are actually here and to any onlookers it will look as normal as possible." Y/N answers.

"Alright let's go." I say impatiently

Y/N walks over to the doors and opens, locks and everything. It just opened for her. She moves to the center of a room that looks a lot like a file storage room.

"Everybody has a storage room in their brain. It holds all the memories for the second they were born and just keeps going. Not all of them look like this but I like the orderliness of this so I keep it like this. Follow me please." She said as Nat and I followed behind

She led us down a long halfway into a room. There were about 2 boxes of memories that she had probably put here.

"I am going to choose 3 memories to share with each of you. It will be in a file that starts to play the memory when opened. One of these files reads confidential on the cover. That means that I trusted you with whatever memory is in the file. I do not take kindly to those who break my trust.

The memories have sound but only the one it was designated to will be able to hear it. If the file doesn't say confidential then you may tell the Avengers, Fury, Maria and Coulson. No one else can know what's in there. Understand." She asked in a very serious tone.

We both said yes and waited for the files. She took one of the boxes and rummaged through for about 2 seconds before bringing out three files that were in a bigger file with my name on it. A similar one was pulled out with Nat's name on it.

She gave us both the three files before letting us open them.


I had already planned on Wanda trying to do this so I had the files ready. I gave Wanda a file with mostly memories of me playing in the snow when I was allowed out when I was younger.

For Nat I did some of the more heavy memories. All of them were happy. I didn't want to spoil their days. I also gave Nat the confidential one. It was one of me and my sister when we were inside together. I was reading a book to her before she went to sleep to help her learn to read. That was probably one of the best memories I had with her.

The other two were me just having fun outside Or just doing something I loved while dancing around to music. I could tell Nat had questions about the memory but would ask me when we were alone and not with Wanda.

They both finished quickly and we got out of my head. We were about 30 minutes from the movies when we got back out so I just went back to sketching.

(Back to the shorter chapters They can be longer if you guys would prefer.)

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