Chapter 4

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Jacki wasn't completely comfortable having to field questions from the cast of the show. She walked briskly back to the grocery store and waited until the crew was ready for touch ups on the cast to approach any of them. Sal was first.

"How do you like it here so far?"

"Like, New York or...?"

"With us!"

"Oh, it's fine, I guess."

"Okay. Well, we're one big family here so never hesitate to ask for anything. Q and I both live on Staten Island so really if you ever need anything just let us know."

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

She finished with Sal and Joe was next.

"Hey there! Long time no see!"

He chuckled at his own joke then went on.

"So is this your first TV gig?"

"Yeah, in New York it is."

"Oh, you did tv in Nashville?"

"For a little while."

"Oh, like newscasters and stuff?"

"Yeah, exactly."

"Gotcha, well TruTV likes to keep things in house so if you ever need a reference just hit me up."

"Thanks, Joe."

After Joe was Murr, who she not only touched up his face but also his bald spot.

"I need a little on my forehead, and don't forget my bald."

He was referencing a joke from an early season of Impractical Jokers, one that Jacki had actually seen. He sat quietly as she worked and a couple of minutes later he was done. The last one was Q, Brian Quinn.

"Hey, Jacki, can you just put some blush on my cheeks."

She wasn't sure what to do. She didn't have blush, just powder and bronzer. No one said anything about blush. Her confusion must have been written all over her face because Brian started laughing.

"I'm kidding! Just the regular touch up, thanks."

He didn't say anything else after that, which helped Jacki focus a little more. It was easy enough to do touch ups but she was very aware that she was currently working on the man she considered the most attractive on the show. Even though nothing will happen I can at least enjoy the eye candy. And she very much enjoyed his expressive eyebrows and deep, brooding, brown eyes. His beard had been grown out some but not to an annoyingly long length. She thought he would look better with a shorter beard but her opinion was moot.

The rest of the day went by without incident or embarrassment, at least for Jacki. It was pretty fun to watch the guys laughing while making each other do pretty silly and ridiculous things. Even if this particular job was only for the rest of their season she could tell that she would have a good time.

After filming wrapped for the day, Jacki caught a cab to the offices and rode her bike to the ferry. It was a nice day, even though it was summer. But she knew that in a few weeks it would cool down and the humidity wouldn't be nearly as intense. On the ferry ride she sat alone and thought about Q's eyes and smile. She liked that he had an expressive face and would raise just one brow sometimes. And while the beard was longer she liked the greys that were growing in. When the ferry docked she got her bike and rode home, still thinking about him and wondering what his evening looked like.

Brian Quinn: A New ManWhere stories live. Discover now